KSU Well-Being Champions

The common denominator for well-being champions is a desire to connect and inspire others to greater well-being. We are accepting applications on a rolling basis to serve through December 2021. Apply below to be considered and we will reach out to initiate phone interview.

  1. You are passionate about health - Aspire to be role models and have enthusiasm for enhancing the culture of health in the KSU Community.

  2. You have strong social skills - Connect easily with employees, are compassionate, and have strong communication and leadership skills.

  3. You model desired behaviors - Express an interest in improving health and well-being.

Become A Well-Being Champion

Role and Responsibilities of Champions

A stack of five smooth, dark stones balanced on top of each other, representing well-being and calmness, surrounded by smaller stones and a small green plant.
  • Promote our well-being program and events to fellow colleagues.

  • Bring colleagues’ ideas and comments back to Well-being Champion Meetings to satisfy the needs of our employee and improve programs & events.

  • Provide leadership in their department to encourage a healthy work environment and healthy work practices for fellow colleagues.

  • Encourage colleagues to be their healthy best and to better manage work-life demands.

  • Serve as a role model for making healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Commit one hour per month for programming/promotion in addition to attendance at meetings, totaling up to 20 hours annually for at least one academic year.

Well-Being Champion Form

The Well-Being Champion Form allows KSU employees to express interest in promoting health within their department. By completing this form, you’ll share your goals, contact details, and supervisor’s approval, while committing to the responsibilities of a Well-being Champion for one academic year!

A tower of stacked stones, alternating between black and gold, on a black background. The stones are smooth and glossy, creating a sense of balance and elegance