Steps to Join the Employee Fitness Center

To join, you must complete all the following items:

Contact your Employee Fitness Center at or 470-578-6770 to schedule your New Member Appointment.

Member Appointment 

During your new member appointment you will complete the following:

  • New Member Paperwork
  • Liability Waiver
  • PAR-Q+, Acknowledgement of EFC Policies
  • Member Profile Information.

  • MicroFit® Fitness Profile
  • Wellness Profile
  • Health History (Risk Appraisal)
    • A doctors release may be required prior to the fitness profile.

Three Options For Membership Payment

Payroll Deduction for bi-weekly/monthly deduction taken from KSU paycheck.

Retirees membership is available free of charge.

PLEASE NOTE: 3-month, 6-month and 12-month payment installments are only available for part-time faculty/temporary employees.

Additional Forms

Membership Fees

  • $10/month for KSU employees ($120.00 annually)
  • $12/month for 10-month faculty
  • $12/month for contracted employees (e.g. Chartwells, Georgia Credit Union, KSUF Housing, First Transit, etc.)
  • $12/month for each additional family member living in household
  • $24/month for each extended family member not living in household

Membership Cancellation

This form is for KSU staff and faculty cancellation only.  

Family members must complete the Payroll Deduction Form on the button below, to cancel their membership.

Payroll Deduction Form


When You Want Cancellation To Take Effect

I am a Kennesaw State University employee and I hereby request that Kennesaw State University cancel the deduction for Employee Fitness Center Membership Dues from my paycheck as indicated above.

I understand that requests submitted after the 15th of the month, will not be processed until the following month as to not interfere with payroll processing.

Scrappy the Owl, the Kennesaw State University mascot, is lifting weights in KSU fitness center.