Testing Innovative Ideas for Education

The ITEC Innovation Lab was established in Spring 2018 by the Department of Instructional Technology with a bold vision to serve as Bagwell's incubator for educational innovation--where ideas are born and tested! The Innovation Lab serves KSU faculty, staff, students as well as K-12 students, teachers, leaders, district personnel and other key strategic partners. The lab will help us create a culture of innovation in the Bagwell College of Education and support faculty, staff, students and administrators in developing an innovator’s mindset. It will allow us to test innovative, high-impact pedagogies, inspire new academic degree programs, create alternative credentials, improve processes, and facilitate a range of conversations with key stakeholders about drivers of change and the future of education.

For further information email Dr. William Wright, Instructional Technology & Innovation Lab Manager at wwrigh64@kennesaw.edu. 

About Innovation Lab

The ITEC Innovation Lab was established in Spring 2018 by the Department of Instructional Technology with a bold vision to serve as Bagwell's incubator for educational innovation--where ideas are born and tested! The Innovation Lab serves KSU faculty, staff, students as well as K-12 students, teachers, leaders, district personnel and other key strategic partners. The lab will help us create a culture of innovation in the Bagwell College of Education and support faculty, staff, students and administrators in developing an innovator’s mindset. It will allow us to test innovative, high-impact pedagogies, inspire new academic degree programs, create alternative credentials, improve processes, and facilitate a range of conversations with key stakeholders about drivers of change and the future of education.

The “adjacent possibilities” for the Innovation Lab are endless! It is our hope to serve as a hub for innovation across the state by inviting key stakeholders and policymakers such as the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC), and legislators to the ITEC Innovation Lab to serve as “think tanks” and discuss how we can work collaboratively to remove barriers in state-wide policy and procedures often thwarting innovative educational practices.

The Innovation lab supports the BCOE mission "to remain at the forefront of educator preparation through innovative teaching within a collaborative teaching and learning community." The Innovation Lab was intentionally designed to be a collaborative space for educators to convene and discover new and better ways to deliver a relevant and meaningful educational experience for all students.