Testing Innovative Ideas for Education
The ITEC Innovation Lab was established in Spring 2018 by the Department of Instructional Technology with a bold vision to serve as Bagwell's incubator for educational innovation--where ideas are born and tested! The Innovation Lab serves KSU faculty, staff, students as well as K-12 students, teachers, leaders, district personnel and other key strategic partners. The lab will help us create a culture of innovation in the Bagwell College of Education and support faculty, staff, students and administrators in developing an innovator’s mindset. It will allow us to test innovative, high-impact pedagogies, inspire new academic degree programs, create alternative credentials, improve processes, and facilitate a range of conversations with key stakeholders about drivers of change and the future of education.
For further information email Dr. William Wright, Instructional Technology & Innovation Lab Manager at wwrigh64@kennesaw.edu.