Why did the University participate in the CAR review?
In April 2017, the University System of Georgia (USG) announced a mandatory, system-wide initiative – the Comprehensive Administrative Review (CAR). The CAR supports the USG’s goals for enhanced academic success, student affordability, and improvements that best serve our students through its examination of administrative spending and processes. Ultimately, the CAR identified opportunities for savings through a combination of more efficient and effective processes, realignment of positions, and the restructuring and centralizing of certain operations.
If you have any further questions, please submit to CARupdate@kennesaw.edu.
What is the CAR trying to resolve?
The intent of the CAR was to identify administrative cost savings and efficiencies for the purpose of redirecting funds to benefit students and support our core mission of teaching, research, and service.
For a complete list of projects that have been undertaken due to the CAR initiative, visit: https://oie.kennesaw.edu/car/car_project_list.php
Will there be more position reductions in addition to those already announced?
No. All CAR reductions have been completed at this time. No faculty positions have been impacted.
A list of the positions being eliminated can be found at https://carreport.kennesaw.edu
Were there departmental restructurings today?
Yes, but only administrative departmental functions are being realigned to other parts of the organization to streamline operations and increase efficiencies. Those reorganizations have been announced today, July 11, 2019. No faculty positions have been impacted. -
Will this impact my workload?
No. The CAR process enabled the University to thoroughly assess capacity and workload. Through this process we have identified redundancies and already accounted for any work reassignments. -
How will savings from position reductions be reallocated within the University?
The stated purpose of the CAR by the USG was to identify administrative cost savings for the sole purpose of redirecting funds to benefit students and support our core mission of teaching, research, and service. Therefore, resources from the CAR position realignment at KSU will be budgeted to add more faculty to support course demand and student success. -
Will the University help impacted employees locate other positions within KSU or the USG?
Yes. KSU’s HR department will be meeting with impacted employees to provide career service and other resources to support them in their job search. Additionally, every effort will be made to assist impacted employees to find another role within the university or another school within the USG. -
How were impacted positions and departments chosen for these reductions?
The Comprehensive Administrative Review, was a 12-month process which included data collection via Huron Consulting Group through surveys, interviews and assessments to understand areas for improvement in efficiency and effectiveness. Participation from our staff was high with 525, or 69%, responding to the Opportunity Identification Survey: 1,694, or 96% of all in-scope employees participating in the Activity Assessment Survey; and 188 employees participating in interviews and focus groups to provide more in-depth insights. Using that information, Cabinet members were asked to objectively evaluate their areas for efficiency opportunities. As part of that review, the CAR process identified 22 non-academic staff positions for elimination, and an additional 55 vacant, non-academic positions that will go unfilled. -
How much money from the CAR savings will be redirected to faculty lines?
In total, approximately $5.5 million in net savings will be redistributed to directly support instruction to better serve our students. -
Are impacted employees eligible for unemployment benefits?
Yes. While every effort will be made to assist impacted employees to find another role within the university or another school within the USG, there may be individuals who do not find another role and they will be eligible for unemployment. -
Are career counseling services available?
Yes. KSU’s Human Resources Department will be meeting with impacted employees to provide workshops that will include resume writing, job search tips and interviewing skills. HR will assist impacted employees with finding other opportunities within KSU, as well as opportunities within the University System of Georgia. In addition, the Employee Assistance Program is available to all employees and offers career-counseling services. -
How were impacted employees notified?
Impacted employees were notified directly by their cabinet members or deans, department heads, and HR management. -
Does an impacted individual receive any preference in hiring?
Yes. If there are multiple qualified candidates applying for an open position with the same experience and education, the impacted employee should be given preference. -
Are impacted employees offered any kind of severance benefits?
Most impacted employees will be provided with a four-month notice of their employment end date. During this period while impacted employees will be expected to work, they will be provided with flexibility to enable them to find new positions. -
Can impacted employees use their remaining vacation time?
Yes, with supervisor notice. -
Will other USG institutions go through the same process?
All USG institutions are participating in the CAR process; results and actions will vary based on each individual institution’s specific situation.
If you have additional questions, please submit them to CARupdate@kennesaw.edu.