LGBTQ Questions and Services

Are you looking for answers to questions related to LGBTQ+ matters? InQUEERies is here to provide you with the information and support you need! Our dedicated platform is designed to be a safe and inclusive space for all your LGBTQ+ related inquiries, ensuring that you receive accurate, respectful and empathetic responses. Whether you're seeking insights about identities, terminology, relationships, activism, or any other topic within the LGBTQ+ spectrum, our team is poised to offer guidance and KSU resources. We recognize the importance of open dialogue and understanding, and InQUEERies is your welcoming haven for seeking knowledge, sharing experiences and fostering connections within the LGBTQ+ KSU community and beyond.

Any questions or concerns should be directed the

Campus Resources

Online Resources

To connect the KSU community with a broad array of information related to LGBTQ+ identities, experiences, and topics this page includes links to external resources. These links are provided for informational purposes only and are made available to members of the campus community who are interested in learning more about matters related to the LGBTQ+ community. The content contained within these links are not created, maintained, and/or edited by the University.  This information is not reflective of Kennesaw State University or USG policy.