Advancing Research in Science & Engineering
Welcome to the hub of cutting-edge research happening at the Nuclear Energy, Science, and Engineering Laboratory (NESEL). From advancing thermal transport in nuclear fuels to innovating with computational fluid dynamics in reactor design, our work spans the forefront of engineering and science. Discover groundbreaking projects in radiation detection, pathogen dispersion, nanomaterials, robotics, and much more.
Recent Research
NESEL current projects include:
- thermal transport in nuclear fuels
- computational fluid dynamics analyses of Generation IV reactors
- reactor core design, analysis, and simulation
- radiation detector development, testing, and simulation
- radiation mapping prototype development
- neutron facility simulation
- tritium control using novel nanomaterials
- thermal transport in molten salt reactor fuels
- fracture of graphene by impact
- understanding pathogen dispersion under UV Light
- tracking small insects using Transparent Omnidirectional Locomotion Compensator
- magnetically controllable miniaturized swimming robot
- cell migration
- ion channels and cell volume control
- learning to learn engineering
- process education methodologies
- learning experiences using 3D printed laboratory equipment
- faculty development in scholarly teaching.
- А. Zheltonozhsky, M. V. Zheltonozhskaya, M. D. Bondarkov E. B. Farfán. “Spectroscopy of Radiostrontium in Fuel Materials Retrieved from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.” Health Phys. Journal. 120-4, p. 378-386, 2021. [Link]
- Pikam Pun, Jacobs Brown, Tyler Cobb, Robert Wessells, Dal Hyung Kim, “Navigation of a Freely Walking Fruit Fly in Infinite Space Using a Transparent Omnidirectional Locomotion Compensator (TOLC).” Sensors, 21(5), 1651, 2021. [Link]
- Katherine Mitchell, Jungkyu Park, Alex Resnick, Hunter Horner, Eduardo B. Farfán, “Phonon Scattering and Thermal Conductivity of Actinide Oxides with Defects.” Applied Sciences, 10(5), 1860, 2020. [Link]
- Kim, Y., Yang, J., Diong, B. M., Yee, T. M. “Feasibility of a Novel Transit Vehicle Concept - Slim Modular Flexible Electric Bus Rapid Transit (SMFe-BRT).” International Conference on Transportation and Development, 2020. [Link]
- Yizeng Li, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, Runchen Zhao, Yoichiro Mori, Sean X. Sun. “The Importance of Water and Hydraulic Pressure in Cell Dynamics.” Cell Sci. 133 (20), jcs240341, 2020. [Link]
- Haiyang Wang, Yizeng Li, Jing Yang, Petr Kalab, Xing Duan, Devin B. Mair, Sean X. Sun, Rong Li. “Symmetry Breaking in Hydrodynamic Forces Drives Spindle Rotation in Mammalian Oocyte Meiosis.” Adv. 6(14), eaaz5004, 2020. [Link]
- Xing Duan, Yizeng Li, Kexi Yi, Fengli Guo, Haiyang Wang, Pei Hsun Wu, Jing Yang, Devin Mair, Edwin Morales Obregon, Petr Kalab, Denis Wirtz, Sean X. Sun, Rong Li. “Dynamic Organelle Distribution Initiates Actin-Based Spindle Migration in Mouse Oocytes.” Commun. 11(1), 277, 2020. [Link]
- Leasure, D. Apple, S. Beyerlein, and T. Utschig, “A System for Learning by Performance (LxP).” International Journal of Process Education, Vol. 11, no. 1, July 2020. [Link]
- Jungkyu Park, Paul Pena, Ayse Tekes, “Thermal Transport Behavior of Carbon Nanotube–Graphene Junction Under Deformation.” International Journal of Nanoscience, p.1950013, 2019. [Link]
- Resnick, K. Mitchell, Jungkyu Park, E.B. Farfán, T. Yee, “Thermal Transport Study in Actinide Oxides with Point Defects.” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 51(5), 1398-1405, 2019. [Link]
- Liyuan Tan, Jamel Ali, U Kei Cheang, Xiangcheng Shi, Dal Hyung Kim, Min Jun Kim, “μ-PIV Measurements of Photolithography-Fabricated Achiral Microswimmers.” Micromachines 2019, 10(12), 865; 2019. [Link]
- James Mathias, Dal Hyung Kim, “Cost-Effective, Time-Efficient Passenger Rail System for the Eastern United States.” Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol 2019, Article ID 4364162, 12 pages, 2019. [Link]
- Nielsen, K., Morse, D., Yee, T., Zhang, J. “Chapter 12: Pump Intakes.” Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment, 2019.
- Yee, T. M., Catano-Lopera, Y., Zhang, J. “Chapter 9: Aereation.” Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment, 2019.
- Panagiotis Mistriotis, Emily Wisniewski, Kaustav Bera, Jeremy Keys, Yizeng Li, Soontorn Tuntithavornwat, Robert A. Law, Nicolas Perez, Eda Erdogmus, Yuqi Zhang, Runchen Zhao, Sean X. Sun, Petr Kalab, Jan Lammerding, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Confinement Hinders Motility by Inducing RhoA-Mediated Nuclear Influx, Volume Expansion and Blebbing.” Cell Biol. 218(12), 4093 – 4111, 2019. [Link]
- Yizeng Li, Lingxing Yao, Yoichiro Mori, Sean X. Sun. “On the Energy Efficiency of Cell Migration in Diverse Physical Environments.” Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116(48), 23894 – 23900. 2019. [Link]
- Runchen Zhao, Alexandros Afthinos, Tian Zhu, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Yizeng Li, Selma A. Serra, Yuqi Zhang, Christopher L. Yankaskas, Shuyu He, Miguel A. Valverde, Sean X. Sun, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Cell Sensing and Decision-Making in Confinement: The role of TRPM7 in the tug of War Between Hydraulic Pressure and Cross-Sectional Area.” Adv. 5(7), eaaw7243, 2019. [Link]
- Sitong Zhou, Michael Giannetto, James DeCourcey, Hongyi Kang, Ning Kang, Yizeng Li, Suilan Zheng, Hetince Zhao, William R. Simmons, Helen S. Wei, Bodine M. David, Philip S. Low, Maiken Nedergaard, Jiandi Wan. “Oxygen Tension-Mediated Erythrocyte Membrane Interactions Regulate Cerebral Capillary Hyperemia.” Adv. 5(5), eaaw4466, 2019. [Link]
- Debonil Maity, Yizeng Li, Yun Chen, Sean X. Sun. “Response of Collagen Matrices under Pressure and Hydraulic Resistance in Hydrogel.” Soft Matter 15(12), 2617 – 2626, 2019. [Link]
- Tekes, T. Utschig, and T. Johns. “Demonstration of Vibration Control Using a Compliant Parallel Arm Mechanism.” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, November, 2019. [Link]
- T. Utschig, “Team-Based Learning in Nuclear Engineering.” Engaged Student Learning: Essays on Best Practices in the University System of Georgia, Vol. 1, 2019. [Link]
- Jungkyu Park, Eduardo B. Farfán, Katherine Mitchell, Alex Resnick, Christian Enriquez, Tien Yee. “Sensitivity of thermal transport in thorium dioxide to defects.” Journal of Nuclear Materials, 504, 198-205, 2018. [Link]
- Jungkyu Park, Eduardo B. Farfán, and Christian Enriquez. “Thermal Transport in Thorium Dioxide.” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 50, 731-737, 2018. [Link]
- Dal Hyung Kim, Jungsoo Kim, Joao C Marques, Abhinav Grama, David G C Hildebrand, Wenchao Gu, Jenifer Li, Drew Robson, “Pan-neuronal Calcium Imaging with Cellular Resolution in Freely Swimming Zebrafish.” Nature Methods 14, no. 11: 1107, 2017. [Link]
- Cho, H., Yee, T. M., Heo, J. “Automated Floodway Determination Using Particle Swarm Optimization.” MDPI, Water 10(10), 2018. [Link]
- Zhang, J., Yee, T. M. “Extent, Capacity and Possibilities of Computational Fluid Dynamics as a Design Tool for Pump Intake: A Review.” Water Science and Technology. Water Supply, 2018. [Link]
- Yizeng Li, Sean X. Sun, “Transition between Actin-Driven and Water-Driven Cell Migration Depends on The External Hydraulic Resistance.” J. 114(12), 2965 – 2973, 2018. [Link]
- Florence Yellin, Yizeng Li, Varun K. A. Sreenivasan, Brenda Farrell, Manu B. Johny, David Yue, Sean X. Sun. “Electromechanics and Volume Dynamics in Non-excitable Tissue Cells.” J. 114(9), 2231–2242, 2018 (Featured Article). [Link]
- Hurd, T.T. Utschig, and S. Beyerlein, “Use of Reading Logs to Promote Learning to Learn in a Freshman Course.” International Journal of Process Education, Vol. 9, no. 1, May 2018. [Link]
- Yizeng Li, Lijuan He, Nicolas A. P. Gonzalez, Jenna Graham, Charles Wolgemuth, Denis Wirtz, Sean X. Sun, “Going with the Flow: Water Flux and Cell Shape during Cytokinesis.” J., 113(11), 2487–2495, 2017. [Link]
- Jiaxiang Tao, Yizeng Li, Dhruv K. Vig, Sean X. Sun, “Cell Mechanics: A Dialogue.” Prog. Phys., 80(3), 036601, 2017. [Link]
- L. Lowder, M.M. Atiqullah, T.M. Yee, S. Das, M.A. Karim, D.R. Ferreira, A. Kaleed, R. Singh, D. Colebeck, and T.T Utschig, “Peer Observation: Improvement of Teaching Effectiveness through Class Participation at a Polytechnic University.” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, Vol. 18, no. 4, p. 51-56, Oct-Dec 2017. [Link]
- Yizeng Li, Karl Grosh, “The Coda of the Transient Response in a Sensitive Cochlea: A Computational Modeling Study.” PLoS Comp. Biol., 12(7), e1005015, 2016. [Link]
- Jain and T.T. Utschig, “Leveraging Elements of Process Education to Extend Biggs’ Model of Constructive Alignment for Increasing Learner Achievement.” International Journal of Process Education, Vol. 8, no. 2, September 2016. [Link]
- T.T. Utschig, “Contributing Editor, 25 Years of Process Education: Commemorating 25 Years of Process Education and the 10th Anniversary of the Academy of Process Educators.” International Journal of Process Education, Vol. 8, no. 1, February 2016. [Link]
- Lingxing Yao, Yizeng Li, Yoichiro Mori, Sean X. Sun. “Deciphering the Role of Myosin Contraction in Mammalian Cell Migration Velocity and Energy Output.” The American Society for Cell Biology, EMBO Meeting, December 2–16, 2020. Virtual.
- Mohammad Ikbal Choudhury, Yizeng Li, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Eryn Dixon, A. C. N. Vasconcelos, Debonil Maity, Morgan Benson, Rebecca Walker, Feng Qian, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, Owen Woodward, Sean X. Sun. “Trans-epithelial Fluid Pumping Performance of Renal Epithelial Cells and Mechanics of Cystic Expansion.” The American Society for Cell Biology, EMBO Meeting, December 2–16, 2020. Virtual.
- N.Giannakakos, A. Tekes, and T. Utschig. “2 Dof Compliant 3d-Ple System Demonstrating Fundamentals of Vibrations and Passive Vibration Isolation.” International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, an American Society of Mechanical Engineers conference, Portland, OR, November 16-19, 2020.
- Van Slyke and T. Utschig. “Developing Tips for Performance Mentoring,” Process Education Virtual Conference, June 25-27, 2020.
- Khalid and T. Utschig. “Using and Education Ideas Forum to Foster Institutional Innovation Starting from the Grassroots Level.” 2020 American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Conference, June 21-24, 2020.
- Khalid and T. Utschig. “Fostering Institutional Innovation through an Engineering Education Ideas.” ASEE Southeastern Section Conference, Auburn, AL, March 8-10, 2020.
- Alex Resnick, Jungkyu Park, Biya Haile, Eduardo B. Farfán, “Three-Dimensional Printing of Carbon Nanostructures.” ASME IMECE 2019, November 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- K.Mitchell, H. Honer, A. Resnick, Jungkyu Park, E. B. Farfán, T. Yee, A. Hummel, “Sensitivity of Thermal Transport in Uranium Dioxide to Fission Gas.” ASME IMECE 2019, November 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- K.Mitchell, H. Honer, A. Resnick, Jungkyu Park, E. B. Farfán, T. Yee, A. Hummel, “Thermal Transport in Actinide Oxide Fuels with Interstitial Defects.” ASME IMECE 2019, November 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Dal Hyung Kim, “Image Registration for fluorescence-based brain images in larval zebrafish.” 20th KOCSEA Technical Symposium, Atlanta, GA, USA, November 17, 2019
- J.Baudier, T. Stromie, and T. Utschig, “Humanizing Relationships: Building Connections Through a Learning-Focused Syllabus Study,” Proceedings, Professional Organizational Development Network Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 13-17, 2019.
- S.R. Chaudhury, J. Foo, A. McCauley, C. Mercedez, M. Seiler, T. Utschig, M. Wallace, B. White, and K. Yasuhara, “Connecting with STEM Educators: Conversations Addressing Challenges and Opportunities,” Proceedings, Professional Organizational Development Network Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 13-17, 2019.
- Runchen Zhao, Alexandros Afthinos, Tian Zhu, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Yizeng Li, Selma Serra, Yuqi Zhang, Christopher L. Yankaskas, Miguel Valverde, Sean X. Sun, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Cell Sensing and Decision-Making in Confinement: The Role of TRPM7 in a Tug of War between Hydraulic Pressure and Cross-Sectional Area.” 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. November 10–15, 2019, Hyatt Regency, Orlando, FL.
- Y. Woldermariam, M. Garcia, T. Utschig, and A. Tekes. “Design, Development, and Implementation of Vibratory Mechanisms to be Utilized in Dynamics and Vibrations Courses,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, an American Society of Mechanical Engineers conference, Salt Lake City, UT, November 11-14, 2019.
- Emily Wisniewski, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Kaustav Bera, Jeremy Keys, Yizeng Li, Soontorn Tuntithavornwat, Robert Law, Eda Erdogmus, Yuqi Zhang, Runchen Zhao, Sean X. Sun, Petr Kalab, Jan Lammerding and Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Confined Cell Migration Induces Nuclear Volume Expansion and Blebbing by Triggering RhoA-Mediated Nuclear Influx.” 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. November 10–15, 2019, Hyatt Regency, Orlando, FL.
- Runchen Zhao, Alexandros Afthinos, Tian Zhu, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Yizeng Li, Selma Serra, Yuqi Zhang, Christopher L. Yankaskas, Miguel Valverde, Sean X. Sun, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Cell Sensing and Decision-Making in Confinement: The Role of TRPM7 in a Tug of War between Hydraulic Pressure and Cross-Sectional Area.” 2019 BMES Annual Meeting. October 16–19, 2019. Philadelphia, PA.
- Emily Wisniewski, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Kaustav Bera, Jeremy Keys, Yizeng Li, Soontorn Tuntithavornwat, Robert Law, Eda Erdogmus, Yuqi Zhang, Runchen Zhao, Sean X. Sun, Petr Kalab, Jan Lammerding and Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Confined Cell Migration Induces Nuclear Volume Expansion and Blebbing by Triggering RhoA-Mediated Nuclear Influx.” 2019 BMES Annual Meeting. October 16–19, 2019. Philadelphia, PA.
- T.Utschig, D. Leasure, and D. Apple. “Learning by Performing (LxP) – A Practical Framework for Authentic Learning”, ISSOTL19 - SoTL Without Boarders: Engaged Practices for Social Change, Atlanta, GA, October 9-12, 2019.
- T.Utschig, T. Stromie, and J. Baudier. “Building Bridges: Connecting Faculty and Students Through Learning-Focused Syllabi,” ISSOTL19 - SoTL Without Boarders: Engaged Practices for Social Change, Atlanta, GA, October 9-12, 2019.
- T.Utschig. “Teaching Students to Generalize Knowledge,” Process Education Conference, Mobile, AL, June 24-26, 2019.
- Chan-Hilton, J. Morelock, E. Ingram, and T.T. Utschig. “Connecting Theory with Practice: Four Change Projects in Faculty Development for Engineering,” American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Tampa, FL, June 16-19, 2019.
- K.Mitchell, A. Resnick, Jungkyu Park, E. B. Farfán, T. Yee, A. Hummel, “Effect of Interstitial Point Defect on Thermal Transport in Uranium Dioxide and Plutonium Dioxide.” American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting 2019, June 2019, Minneapolis, MN.
- Runchen Zhao, Alexandros Afthinos, Tian Zhu, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Yizeng Li, Selma Serra, Yuqi Zhang, Christopher L. Yankaskas, Miguel Valverde, Sean X. Sun, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Cell Sensing and Decision-Making in Confinement: The Role of TRPM7 in a Tug of War between Hydraulic Pressure and Cross-Sectional Area.” 8th International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, May 28–31, 2019, Baltimore, MD.
- Yizeng Li, Sean X. Sun. “Cells under Different Physical Environments Utilize Different Force-Generation Mechanisms and Consume Different Energy to Migrate.” Philly Motility 2019. May 4, 2019, Drexel University, Main Campus, Philadelphia, PA.
- Yizeng Li, Debonil Maity, Sean. X. Sun. “External Hydraulic Resistance Influences Cell Motility.” The Biophysical Society 63rd Annual Meeting, March 2–6, 2019, Baltimore, MD USA. Biophys. J. 116 (3), 124a, 2019.
- Mohammad Ikbal Choudhury, Yizeng Li, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Eryn Dixon, Debonil Maity, Rebecca Walker, Morgan Benson, Leigha Martin, Fatima Koroma, Feng Qian, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, Owen Woodward, Sean Sun. “Tubular Renal Epithelia Cells are Active Mechanobiological Water Pumps.” The Biophysical Society 63rd Annual Meeting, March 2–6, 2019, Baltimore, MD USA. Biophys. J. 116 (3), 244a, 2019.
- Sisi Jia, Siew Cheng Phua, Yuta Nihongaki, Yizeng Li, Michael Pacella, Sean X. Sun, Takanari Inoue, Rebecca Schulman. “Growth and Site-Specific Organization of Micron-Scale Biomolecular Devices on Living Mammalian Cells.” The Biophysical Society 63rd Annual Meeting, March 2–6, 2019, Baltimore, MD.
- Resnick, K. Mitchell, Jungkyu Park, H. Maier, E. Farfan, T. Yee, C. Velasquez, “Thermal Transport in Defective Actinide Oxides.” ASME IMECE 2018, November 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Jungkyu Park, Paul Pena, “Strain Effect on Thermal Transport in Carbon Nanotube-Graphene Junctions.” ASME IMECE 2018, November 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Ayse Tekes and Jungkyu Park, “Design and Analysis of Electrostatically Actuated Mechanical Sensor For Graphene.” ASME IMECE 2018, November 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Jungkyu Park, E. Farfan, K. Mitchell, A. Resnick, C. Enriquez, T. Yee, “Thermal Conductivity of Thorium Dioxide with Defects.” ANS Annual Meeting, June 17-21, 2018, Philadelphia, PA.
- Panagiotis Mistriotis, Emily Wisniewski, Yizeng Li, Robert Law, Kaustav Bera, Soontorn Tuntithavornwat, Alexandros Afthinos, Runchen Zhao, Sean X. Sun, Petr Kalab, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. “Perinuclear Actin Flow Promotes Efficient Cell Migration in Confinement.” 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting (Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division). October 28 – November 2, 2018, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Yizeng Li, Sean X. Sun. “Water, Ion, and Actin Dynamics in Cell Migration, Cytokinesis, and Volume Control.” 2018 BMES Annual Meeting. October 17–20, 2018. Atlanta, GA.
- Yizeng Li, Sean X. Sun. “Cellular Responses to Different Hydrodynamic Environments.” Mechbio Conference 2018: The Mechanome in Action. July 26 – 27, 2018. Gross Hall Conference Center, UC Irvine.
- T.T. Utschig, “STEM Consultations – Are STEM Faculty Really So Unique?” Professional Organizational Development Conference, Portland, OR, November 14-18, 2018.
- T.T. Utschig, W.L. Scheller II, J. Morgan, D.M. Litynski, D. Leasure, M. El-Sayed, V. Cox, S.R. Chaudhury, S. Beyerlein, and D. Apple. “Learning to Learn Engineering – A Learning Sciences Approach to Engineering Curriculum Design and Implementation,” Frontiers in Education Conference, San Jose, CA, October 3-6, 2018.
- T.T. Utschig. “Creating a Usable Educational Development Assessment Plan,” The International Consortium for Educational Development Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 15-18, 2018.
- Yizeng Li, Kaustav Bera, Alexandros Afthinos, Runchen Zhao, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, Sean X. Sun. “Transition Between Actin-Driven and Water-Driven Cell Migration Depends on the External Hydraulic Resistance.” The American Society for Cell Biology, EMBO Meeting, December 2–6, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
- Yizeng Li, Lijuan He, Nicolas A. P. Gonzalez, Jenna Graham, Charles Wolgemuth, Denis Wirtz, Sean X. Sun. “Going with the Flow: Water Flux and Cell Shape During Cytokinesis.” The American Society for Cell Biology, EMBO Meeting, December 2–6, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
- Jungkyu Park, Eduardo B. Farfán, Christian Enriquez, Nicholas Kinder and Matthew Greeson. “Thermal Transport in Thorium Dioxide.” ASME IMECE 2017, November 3-9, 2017, Tampa, Florida.
- S.Beyerlein, D. Apple, and T.T. Utschig. “Developing Engineering Capacity in Students – A Learning to Learn Engineering Approach,” Transforming STEM Higher Education: Discovery, Innovation, and the Value of Evidence, an Association of American Colleges and Universities Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 2-4, 2017.
- Jungkyu Park and Eduardo B. Farfán. “Thermal Transport in Thorium Dioxide.” 2017 ANS Winter Conference and Nuclear Technology Expo., October 29-November 2, 2017, Washington, DC.
- R.V. Pucha, S.H. Newton, M. Alemdar, J. Lindsey, and T.T. Utschig. “Assessing Concept Generation Intervention Strategies for Creativity Using Design Problems in Freshman Engineering Graphics Course,” American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Columbus, OH, June 25-28, 2017.
- T.T. Utschig, E. Farfan, S. Das, and V. Sooklal. “Managing Interdisciplinary Senior Design with Nuclear Applications,” American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Columbus, OH, June 25-28, 2017.
- Yizeng Li, Sean X. Sun. “F-Actin and Water both Can Drive Cell Migration in Different Physical Environments, Physical Science of Cancer.” Gordon Research Conference, February 5–10, 2017, Hotel Galvez, Galveston, TX.
- R.V. Pucha, S.H. Newton, A. Alemdar, and T.T. Utschig. “Process-Oriented Intervention and Reflection Strategies for Creativity in Student Design Projects,” International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA, November 2-4, 2016.
- E.Jordan, L. Stewart, T. Utschig, and M. DiPietro. “Just-in-Time Programming for Institutional Transitions,” Proceedings, Professional Organizational Development Network Conference, Louisville, KY, November 9-13, 2016.
- R.V. Pucha, T.T. Utschig, S.H. Newton, M. Alemdar, R. Moore, and C.R. Noyes. “Critical and Creative Thinking Activities for Engaged Learning in a Graphics and Visualization Course,” American Society for Engineering Education Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016.
- T.T. Utschig, J. Ludlum, and K. DeAmicis. “Exploring Relationships Among SRI Survey Items to Overall Effectiveness,” Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum, New Orleans, LA, May 31-June 3, 2016.