Past KSU Education Abroad Program

Nuclear Studies at the Chernobyl Center:
May 14 – 29, 2022

Kennesaw State University partnered with the Chernobyl Center, Ukraine, to conduct an Education Abroad Program Nuclear Studies at the Chernobyl Center in Slavutych, Ukraine, in May 2022. As part of this program the course titled ME4490 Chernobyl-Past, Present and Future was taught in the Chernobyl Center. This course provided an overview of major nuclear accidents including the Three Mile and Fukushima-Daichi disasters. Particular attention was paid to the Chernobyl Accident. KSU faculty and Chernobyl Center scientists helped to conduct lectures in the Chernobyl Center classrooms and laboratories.

Slavutych is a city in Ukraine, purposely built for the evacuated personnel of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant after the 1986 disaster that occurred near the city of Pripyat. Slavutych is about 50 miles away from Pripyat and is outside the Chernobyl Exclusion. Faculty and students got to visit Pripyat, the Chernobyl Sarcophagus Memorial, and the Monument to Those Who Saved the World. This monument was dedicated to the firefighters that died putting out the fire at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 after the catastrophic nuclear accident there. The monument is also dedicated to the Chernobyl liquidators that cleaned up after the accident. Students got to visit local high schools as part of the course community service. Faculty and students also visited Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and Chernihiv.

Any radiation exposure is expected to be mainly due to naturally occurring background radiation.

Silhouette of a person interacting with a 3D abstract digital visualization
Prerequisites: MATH 2202, Engineering Standing
Concurrent: PHYS 2212/ PHYS 2212L
Program price was: $1,868
The student payment schedule was:
  • Application Deposit Due February 1, 2022: $300
  • First Installment Due March 1, 2022: $784
  • Second Installment Due March 15, 2022: $784


  • There were several options available to help fund this education abroad study, including traditional financial aid and scholarship opportunities, as well as Kennesaw State University's unique Global Learning Scholarship. For more information, see the KSU Education Abroad Financial Aid and Scholarship website.
  • Once students decided to apply for the program, the application needed to be filled out to begin.

    All KSU faculty-led programs required a $300 non-refundable deposit with the application. This $300 was subtracted from the total program fee. Meanwhile, exchange programs required a $150 administrative fee.

    All programs required a completed Medical Clearance Form. The Medical Clearance Form and detailed instructions were available in the application portal.

    Non-KSU programs also required deposits and application fees (see program application for details). 

  • For information on future study opportunities, contact Dr. Eduardo B. Farfan.
