New Program Director Resources

Where To Begin

The Education Abroad Office is here to help you take the first steps toward directing an education abroad program! We suggest starting to research program options at least 4 months prior to the proposal deadline. Some important questions to ask yourself are: 

  • What is the purpose or goal of my study abroad program?
  • How many students would be eligible for this program? (we recommend at least 500)
  • How will I use the location to reinforce what my students are learning?
  • Do the courses fulfill any degree requirements?

Below are informational guides that will help you understand the proposal process and timeline.

Faculty-Led Proposal Guide  Faculty-Led Proposal Timeline  Faculty-Led Roles and Responsibilities  Faculty-Led Salary Guidelines 

If you need additional advice or guidance, feel free to schedule a meeting by contacting us at

Health & Safety

Before starting the program proposal process, faculty directors should research the safety conditions of their host destination. There are many factors to consider, such as Geopolitical stability, Health recommendations for travelers, critical infrastructure including access to healthcare and transportation, cultural norms, and weather conditions. Also, you may consider how students with varying identities and backgrounds might experience their host environment.

Below are links that we recommend utilizing as you plan your destination.  

KSU’s International Safety and Security Travel Advisories – U.S. Department of State Traveler’s Health - CDC Travel Risk Series Diversity Abroad EqualDex
Questions? Contact KSU International Safety and Security for more information:

Finding the Right Vendor

Is it your first time submitting an Education Abroad Program Proposal? The planning and logistics may seem daunting, but there’s good news! Many vendors offer custom faculty-led programs so that you can focus less on planning and more on teaching your courses. These companies have in-country contacts and expertise in delivering itineraries that integrate your academic goals. Many providers also offer extra perks, like on-the-ground emergency support and expert guides. Some examples of services may include coordination of lodging, community service, internships, and cultural experiences.

When researching program providers, it’s important to compare your options in advance. Program providers vary in the range of services and locations that they offer. Some may specialize in a specific region of the world, while others may focus on things like field research or developing foreign language skills. When communicating with provider contacts, be sure to request an itinerary proposal and price quote.

Not sure where to start? Here is a list of program providers that have been used by previous Program Directors: KSU Education Abroad Past Vendors


Don’t let budgeting intimidate you! The Education Abroad Office created an official template to calculate your program cost.

Before starting, check out the quick tips below.

  • Keep Costs Down
    • All costs for faculty-led study abroad programs are covered by students and their program fee payment. Lowering costs keeps these programs affordable and accessible.
  • Be Realistic
    • Your program budget should be written for a set number of students that can be feasibly recruited. The Education Abroad Office requires a minimum of 10 students.
    • Budgets should avoid a surplus or deficit as much as possible. Revisions may be necessary depending on how many student applications you receive.
    • It is better to be conservative in your recruitment projections than to overestimate.
    • Once recruitment is final, this number will be adjusted to calculate the actual cost per student.
  • Exchange Rates
    • Exchange rates fluctuate. You can avoid under-budgeting by including a percentage more than what you expect to pay.
  • Research Prices
    • Give yourself time to research vendors and request quotes for costs such as transportation and lodging.
    • Ask your vendor about the payment schedule and refund policies. Note that no payments can be made unless enough students are confirmed for the program to be viable, and you have approval from Global Education.
    • Most vendors allow you to make advance payments ahead of time, but some vendors and locations require payment in country and sometimes in cash.
  • Check out this resource here: 

Program Promotion

  • Marketing your program to potential students is key to your program’s success. Below is a complete guide and checklist for spreading the word about your program!
  • Our office recommends using Canva if you are not experienced with graphic design. This resource is free to use and comes with templates that are customizable.
  • When creating marketing materials, you can also reference the KSU Visual Identity Program.
  • For directions on using the Owl TV Network, click here.
  • For information on Creative Services and in-house graphic design, click here.
  • For additional program promotion requests, contact your academic department’s marketing staff person.

Additional Resources

Learn about the field of International Education 

For information on policy and advocacy, conferences, data trends, and publications, we recommend these organizations. 

Student Identity Groups Abroad

Below are resources to learn about aspects of student identity abroad.