Finance Timeline

To stay on track and prevent financial delays for your vendors, click on the timeline below to see what actions you should be taking and when. 


Concur Travel Management System

All faculty and staff participating on education abroad programs will utilize the Concur Travel Management System to manage their travel related requests. This includes all travel requests, cash advance requests, and expense reconciliations. Paper submissions are no longer accepted. 

access concur


  • All KSU faculty and staff participating on an education abroad program must submit a travel request through Concur. Travel requests must include all required information prior to being approved. When preparing to submit your request, please ensure that you have the following information on hand: 

    • Trip start and end dates 
    • Purpose of trip 
    • Speedchart number 
    • Estimated expenses for faculty and students (if applicable) 
      • Categories include airfare, lodging, rental car, per diem, and miscellaneous 
      • If you are a program director, your travel request should include student/group expenses. (For example, total cost of lodging for both you and the students). 
      • If you are participating faculty or staff, your travel request should ONLY include your expenses.

    Travel requests must be submitted and fully approved before invoices or reimbursements are processed for payment. Travel bookings can also not be made until your travel request is approved.

    For instructions on how to create a Travel Request, view below.

    travel request
  • After your travel request is approved, you can proceed with utilizing the online booking tool, if applicable. 

    Please note: due to the complexity of international travel, it is highly suggested that rather than using the online booking tool in Concur, you call Travel Inc. directly and speak with a travel agent at 770-291-5190. 

  • Combining business and personal travel is allowable, if the personal travel does not incur additional costs for the university. Please note: 
    • Cost comparisons should be done at the time of booking. A search should be done in Concur for business travel only. Screenshots or printouts of these pages must be kept as documentation of the cost. The cost comparison should be included as an attachment to the travel request.
    • Personal Travel requires written pre-approval from your supervisor
    • Travel arrangements must be made to accommodate the business duties of the traveler and not personal preference
    • Rental vehicles may only be used for official State business. The state liability policy is only in effect while the employee is using the rented vehicle for official State business. Friends, family members, or pets are prohibited from riding in a state rented vehicle. 
  • A cash advance request should be submitted to cover the items that you were unable to have invoiced for the program. This amount should be based off of the program budget and can also include items such as per diem and transportation. 

    Cash Advances are not disbursed until 7-10 days before program departure. The Office of Fiscal Services must have you registered in the system as a vendor. To register as a vendor, please complete the Employee and Student Vendor Registration and Substitute W-9 Form.

  • Within 14 days of your return to campus, you are required to submit an expense statement to reconcile any outstanding cash advance requests or request reimbursement for program related expenses. 

    • Travel will review the submitted expense reports and contact faculty/staff to request additional information or to obtain additional clarification on the documentation submitted. 

    Travel provides training on how to use the Concur system. Upcoming dates for their training can be found below.

    Travel also hosts Drop-In sessions. The Drop-In Session schedule is located below.

    Fiscal Services - Travel

    You can also contact your program’s assigned Education Abroad Business Operations Specialist for any questions about your travel expense report or reimbursement. 


Business Processes

  • After your education abroad program proposal has been reviewed and approved, you may need to make changes to your budget. All changes and corresponding vendor quotes need to be submitted for review.  
    Updates may include such items as: 
    • Changes in quotes
    • Addition and/or removal of an activity or expense
    • Adjustment to student and/or faculty participant numbers 
    All updates and supporting documentation should be sent to your program’s assigned Education Abroad Program Coordinator and Business Operations Specialist. 
  • All supplier registration forms for vendors must be submitted and approved before any payments can be processed. 
    Vendor registration forms can be found below.

    You can also contact your program’s assigned Business Operations Specialist for any questions about vendor registration.

    Vendor registration form
  • All education abroad programs that intend to enter into a contractual agreement with a vendor must receive prior approval from the KSU Contract Review Team. Program invoices cannot be paid if there is a corresponding contract that is not approved.  
    For any payments that are for lectures, guides, or other activities that support academic goals and are more than $201 USD, please complete and submit the Education Abroad International Services Provider Agreement Form.

    Please contact your program’s assigned Business Operations Specialist for assistance with the contract submission process. 

  • Invoices must be submitted on the vendor company’s letterhead and must also contain the following information in order to be accepted for processing by Accounts Payable: 
    • Invoice Number
    • Invoice Date
    • Company name and contact information
    • Itemized list of products and/or services purchased
    • Faculty and student charges must be separated
    • Wire transfer information for international vendors (if applicable) 
    Your invoices will need to be submitted directly to your program’s assigned Business Operations Specialist for payment processing.