What Is Bloom's Taxonomy?
When we begin to decide what to teach our students, it’s easy to think in terms of “what I want them to learn.” Of course, learning is the goal! However, we can’t know whether they’ve learned what we want them to learn unless they express that learning somehow, usually through some form of assessment.
Because of this, when we write objectives, we don’t focus on what the student will learn, but how they will demonstrate that they have learned it. In other words, the basic purpose of an objective is not to tell us what students will learn, but to tell us what students will be able to think, do, or say as a result of their learning. If our objective does not tell us what the students will be able to do, we say that the objective is not measurable.
Look at the following objectives as examples:
Poor Objective
- Students will understand the scientific method.
On the surface this may look like a decent objective. The scientific method is basic to the study of science. However, the problem is that there is no way to tell whether students “understand it” or how much they understand it. It’s not measurable.
So, assuming the object of the lesson is the scientific method, here is the objective with measurable language.
Measurable Objectives
- Students will define the scientific method.
- Students will conduct a simple experiment using the scientific method.
In these two objectives, the scientific method is still what the students are learning. However, the objectives focus on how the students will show they have learned it as well. In one they are just defining it, in the other, they are applying it.
Bloom's Taxonomy
In 1956 a team of educators led by Benjamin Bloom published the first of a set of three hierarchical models that teachers could use to write measurable learning objectives, The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. Of these domains (the cognitive, the affective, and the psychomotor domain), the latter two focus on emotion-based learning and action-based (physical development), respectively. In higher education, typically, the cognitive domain is used and has become a “standard tool for developing educational objectives, assessments, and activities.”
Functionally speaking, Bloom’s Cognitive domain Taxonomy is a list of verbs organized by “categories” which allow you to write objectives that you can measure. These categories, which are sometimes understood to move from lower order to higher order thinking skills, were revised in 2001 to from descriptions of the type of knowledge to descriptions of the type of actions. Those categories are:
- Remember: This category focuses remembering facts, basic concepts, etc.—retrieval of information. Examples are: choose, identify, recite, etc.
- Understand: Verbs in this category focus on constructing meaning, by organizing, translating, etc. Examples are: classify, demonstrate, describe, etc.
- Apply: From understand, students move to application. These verbs demonstrate the ability to apply concepts that have been remembered and understood. Examples are: assess, construct, implement, solve, etc.
- Analyze: This category focuses on breaking down information, using what has been learned to learn more. Examples are: break down, differentiate, test for, etc.
- Evaluate: As students learn, they should begin to be able to make judgments based on criteria and standards. Examples are: argue, conclude, critique, etc.
- Create: Finally, students should be able to create new patterns or structures, or create new ideas and defend them. Examples are: compose, create, integrate, produce, etc.
The cognitive domain can also be understood according to two dimensions: the cognitive and knowledge dimensions. This document from the CELT at Iowa State University offers a 3D model of the revised taxonomy of the cognitive domain according to both dimensions. A dynamic, interactive model is also available.