A photograph of a woman holding an object on her head in front of a pink backdrop

Spotlight Tour on Annet Couwenberg

Tuesday, March 25, 11:00am at the ZMA 


The Zuckerman Museum of Art and the KSU Women’s Resource Center will host a spotlight tour for students to view and discuss works on view by ZMA exhibiting artist Annet Couwenberg.

Open to the campus and community at large, this tour and discussion will examine such issues as how gender plays a part in the making and interpretation of art and how perceptions have changed over time. There will be time for questions. No experience necessary.

headshot of a woman in front of a white background

Curatorial Conversations: Virtual Lecture Series with Lauren Haynes

Wednesday, March 26, 12:00pm via Zoom


Head Curator, Governors Island Arts Public Art Program, NY

Lauren Haynes is Head Curator, Governors Island Arts and Vice President at the Trust for Governors Island in New York City. Haynes has held curatorial positions at institutions across the US, including the Queens Museum; Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art; and the Studio Museum in Harlem. Haynes serves on the board of the Association of Art Museum Curators and on the visiting committee for the Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin College.

Haynes was a 2018 Center for Curatorial Leadership fellow and a recipient of a 2020 ArtTable New Leadership Award. In 2023, President Joe Biden appointed Haynes to the Committee for the Preservation of the White House. Lauren Haynes will speak about her work as a curator.

Portrait of a woman sitting

Annett Couwenberg: Windgate Artist-in-Residence Lecture

Wednesday, April 2, 3:30pm at the ZMA


Annet Couwenberg has pursued ongoing conversations between traditional textile production and digital technologies throughout her art and teaching career— from her early work in the fashion industry, to creating sculptural forms and jacquard weavings, to working with fish fossils and skeletons inspired by her study with a fish scientist as a Smithsonian Artist Research Fellow at the National Museum of Natural History.

Born in the Netherlands, Couwenberg received MFA degrees from Cranbrook Academy of Art and Syracuse University. She has worked internationally including in Korea, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Poland and The Netherlands with one-person shows at the Center for Art Design and Visual Culture in MD, Textiel Museum in The Netherlands, Baltimore Museum of Art, Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts, American Textile History Museum, Lowell, MA and the City Gallery, Atlanta, GA. 

man drumming with people around him

Mindful Drumming

Thursday, April 10, 2:00pm at the ZMA


Mindful Drumming is an experiential workshop based on the healing power of meditative drumming and mindfulness practices. Both traditions have been used by cultures around the world to help people better attune to themselves and others. Attend this hour-long workshop to learn and experience how drumming and mindfulness can help you relax, feel more alive, and even reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Instruments will be provided, and no musical experience is required.

  • This workshop will be led by Greg Stevens, a Licensed Psychologist and the Associate Director of Clinical Services at the Kennesaw State University Counseling and Psychological Services. Before training as a psychologist, Greg performed as a musician for over a decade. During his doctoral training, he had the unique opportunity to learn about meditative drumming and develop an ongoing therapy group with a colleague that incorporated this with mindfulness. He has since continued leading Mindful Drumming therapy groups and workshops for the past seven years.