School of Art and Design Capstone Exhibitions

small gallery with art work on the wall

Image credit: Installation of New Visions 2023

SOAAD Capstone Exhibition I

Exhibition Dates: March 26 - April 5

Opening Reception: Wednesday, March 26              5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

  • Natallie Corn

    Addie Elder

    Rodney Ford

    Gabby Hayes

    Jackie Hernandez Nolasco

    Ashley Howard

    Maxine Kenn

    Savannah Miller

    Ashley Moon

    Adam Ryan

    Kendall York

SOAAD Capstone Exhibition II

Exhibition Dates: April 9 - 19 

Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 9                  5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

  • Cara Boles

    Natalie Brown

    Kamari Edwards

    Siri Gulledge

    Jaxon Haley

    Qixuan Hou

    Logan Mosso

    Mary Ringer

    Makayla Tetterton

    Ayanna Ward

    Wren Whiteside