The History

AAUP has fought for an appropriate role for faculty in institutional governance since 1916. It has pressed for faculty involvement in personnel decisions, selection of administrators, preparation of the budget, and determination of educational policies.

Here and Now

During the 2005-2006 academic year the KSU AAUP chapter played a significant role in defining and gaining approval for a new shared governance structure at Kennesaw State. The new structure includes, for the first time, a Faculty Senate. These changes challenge the faculty to find the time, energy and interest to be full partners in institutional governance. AAUP@KSU will continue to serve as an independent voice advocating for academic freedom, full shared governance and other faculty issues.

What AAUP Does

The national AAUP’s Committee on Governance in partnership with the American Council on Education (ACE), produced the 1966 Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities. With subsequent interpretations, the 1966 statement remains the basis for judging governance practices. The Committee and AAUP staff also provide advice and assistance to faculty members throughout the country regarding matters of academic governance. The AAUP staff investigates complaints of departures from the 1966 standards. A university found in “substantial non-compliance” with those standards may be publicly censured by the AAUP.

Shared Governance at Kennesaw State University

KSU@AAUP was central in the fight to create and implement shared governance here at Kennesaw State University, including the creation of the Faculty Senate and Staff Senate.  We continue to monitor the practices and policies of the administration to ensure that KSU administrators honor the letter and the spirit of the shared governance rules.  If you think that shared governance principles have been violated in your department or college, please contact KSU@AAUP.