AAUP@KSU is the local chapter of a national organization, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the primary goals of which are the defense of academic freedom and tenure and the promotion of shared governance in the academy.

Membership in AAUP national does not confer membership in the local chapter.  

Like AAUP national, AAUP@KSU is now using a sliding scale, according to academic rank, for annual dues. Dues cover local membership for the academic year.

You may send your annual dues to AAUP@KSU by cash or check (made out to  “AAUP@KSU”) to our Treasurer:

Olga Koz, (Olga Koz will put you on the chapter email list.)

Alternately, we have a paypal account. 


Current members of (national) AAUP are eligible to join the local chapter, AAUP@KSU.

AAUP@KSU memberships are for the academic year.

AAUP, AAUP Georgia Conference, and AAUP@KSU

Follow the link to join or pay your annual dues to AAUP national.  Membership rates are on a sliding scale.  National AAUP provides may other services to members and to the academic community besides its defense of Academic Freedom and appropriate governance:

  • The AAUP maintains an active lobbying campaign at the state and national level. For each Congressional session it sets priorities in areas like appropriations, labor law, immigration, intellectual property, and academic freedom. It provides periodic reports to members on legislative activity of interest and mobilizes members to communicate with their legislators on vital issues. The Georgia conference of the AAUP has a strong record of legislative lobbying on issues of interest to faculty, including salary levels, changes in the retirement system and sick leave policies.
  • AAUP’s legal office provide workshops and other presentations nationwide. Its staff provides legal advice and assistance to members and institutions, and submits amicus briefs to the Supreme Court and appellate courts to protect vital academic rights and prerogatives.
  • The AAUP’s Research Office collects, compiles, and makes accessible information of interest to members and their institution, most notably The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession which compares salaries for faculty at institutions across the nation.

    Please note:  AAUP national memberships are annual.  If you join in October 2017, your membership runs until October 2018.

    When you join AAUP national, you also become a member of the AAUP Georgia Conference. The Georgia Conference performs an invaluable service in advising and coordinating the responses of AAUP members in Georgia when problems arise on university campuses. For example: 

    • Faculty pay. "Across the board” pay increases really aren’t. Increases in benefits are deducted from any pay increases, so the actual average pay increase is well below the advertised percentage increase. Who decides these things, and how can we influence or at least publicize the answer?
    • Sexual Harassment and Academic Freedom.  Where do you stand on the draft linked here? Do you want your voice included in the discussion?
    • Maybe the university can’t change Board of Regents Policies, but by applying AAUP pressure, the Georgia Conference can try. What BOR Policies would you change, if you could? 
    • Elections are coming up, national, state, and local. If your least favorite candidates are elected, are you going to wish you were involved in AAUP so you could try to influence policy at the national and state levels?

If you would like to receive updates on these sorts of matters from the Georgia Conference, you must be a current member of the national organization.