Chapter Bylaws and Officers

The Kennesaw State chapter of the AAUP is governed by bylaws that have been registered with and approved by the national organization.


The full membership of the chapter meets at least twice per academic year.


The elected officers of chapter are the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Officers' terms are two years. 

Executive Committee

 Between meetings of the full chapter the business of the chapter is conducted by an executive committee that consists of elected officers of the chapter, the immediate past president, and additional members selected by the current officers to assure that all colleges are represented. At present the Executive Committee consists of:

  • Hans Skott-Myhre (Human Services), 2022-2024
  • Pete Rorabaugh (English), 2022-2024
  • Olga Koz (Library), 2022-2024
  • Huu Mai (Music), 2022-2024

Important Documents