Collateral Material

Here, we provide a collection of collateral materials and resources, including presentations, reports, and planning documents. The PDFs below offer access to important supplemental information such as meeting materials, program presentations, and strategic planning documents.

Bylaws: Creating Effective Communication & Governance

The Bylaws of the Administrators Council at Kennesaw State outline the structure, mission, and responsibilities of the Council, which is dedicated to fostering effective communication and shared governance within the University. It details the purpose, goals, membership criteria, officer roles, election procedures, and committee structures. These bylaws serve as a foundational guide for the Council’s operations and decision-making processes, ensuring that it fulfills its role in supporting administrators and contributing to the university's objectives.

  • The purpose of the Administrators Council is to promote effective communication, collegiality and shared governance of the University in matters regarding the development of policy and to increase bi-directional communication about the implementation of policy. The Council reports to the Provost and is responsible for the implementation of shared governance decisions and policies among its constituents. In addition, the Administrators Council is also responsible for providing feedback on issues affecting administrators and their reports.
  • The mission of the Administrator’s Council is to act as a forum and advocate for administrators by providing leadership and guidance on issues which affect the interest of administrators, representing them to the University administration and keeping them informed on University initiatives and policies. The Council works to create a culture that promotes the fulfillment of overall university goals and objectives and provide an educational environment that promotes the growth and improvement of higher education and KSU.
  • Section 1. Membership Requirements and Privileges

    A. Council membership is open to all administrators who meet the following criteria:

      • Hold the Human Resource title/designation of Director or above
      • Manage two or more direct reports
      • Manage a budget
      • Responsible for strategic planning
      • Responsible for implementation of policy
      • Approval of Supervisor

    B. Assistant Vice Presidents or their equivalents may serve on the Administrators Council or may delegate the responsibility to one or more individuals in order to represent major departments within his/her division.

    C. Member duties: Members are responsible for regularly attending Council meetings, participating in Council business and discussions, disseminating information, and soliciting feedback about new University policies, programs and initiatives. If a member cannot commit to the meeting schedule and therefore cannot carry out Administrative Council duties, he/she should inform his/her supervisor who should designate an alternate.

    D. Any member may be nominated or may self-nominate for elected officer positions.

    Section 2. Voting Privileges for Officer Elections

    Voting privileges for officer elections are open to all members of the Council.

  • Section 1. Chair

    The Chair is responsible for scheduling meetings of the Council and establishing an agenda for each meeting. The Chair represents the Administrators Council on the University Council and in discussions with other shared governance groups and committees. The Chair shall charge ad hoc committees as necessary.

    Section 2. Chair Elect

    The Chair Elect becomes the Chair after the incumbent Chair has completed his/her term. The Chair Elect shall serve instead of the Chair in the event the Chair is unable to perform his/her duties.

    Section 3. Past Chair

    Upon completion of his/her term, the Chair shall serve one year in the capacity of Past Chair. The Past Chair shall serve in an advisory capacity to the current Chair and Chair-Elect and assist in the transition of the Chair Elect to Chair

    Section 4. Recording Secretary

    The Secretary shall see that the minutes of each meeting are recorded and distributed to the Members within 15 calendar days of the meeting. 

    Section 5. Removal of Officers

    Officers are required to attend all scheduled meetings of the Council; if circumstances prevent an Officer from attending, he/she must communicate the absence to the Chair. If an Officer fails to notify the Chair about an absence, it will be considered an unexcused absence. Officers with three (3) absences in one (1) year will be removed from the Executive Committee. The Chair or Chair Elect may call an election process at any time to elect an Officer to fill the remainder of the term.

  • Section 1. Election Procedures

    The election of the Chair Elect and Secretary shall occur at the last Council meeting of the academic year. A simple majority is sufficient to elect Officers. Voting may be carried out either in person at meetings or electronically.

    All members of the Council are eligible to serve as Chair or Chair Elect. The Chair Elect will assume his/her responsibilities as Chair at the first Council meeting of the academic year.

    Section 2. Terms of Office

    Each officer shall serve a term of one year. Officers are eligible to serve second terms if so elected to a limit of three consecutive years.

  • Section 1.

    The committees of the Administrators Council shall include an Executive Committee. Other committees may be established on an ad hoc basis.

    Section 2. The Executive Committee

    The Chair, Past Chair, Chair Elect and Recording Secretary will constitute the Executive Committee of the Administrators Council. The Executive Committee will serve as an advisory committee to the Chair. The Executive Committee shall advise the Chair about the agenda for the meetings of the Council and work together to facilitate initiatives and/or projects.

    Section 3. Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

    Standing and Ad Hoc committees of the Council shall consist of Council members who volunteer their services for one term.

  • Section 1. Quorum Requirement

    A simple majority of members shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is required for any vote taken by the Council but is not required for a meeting. The number of members shall be determined at the beginning of each academic year in fall for the purpose of determining a quorum.

    Section 2. Regular Meetings Schedule

    The Administrative Council shall meet no fewer than six (6) times per academic year during the fall and spring semesters. The Chair may call for meetings during the summer if necessary.

    Section 3.

    The Chair shall set the time and place of meetings and establish the agenda.

  • Section 1.

    Proposed revisions to this operating document must be approved by two-thirds of voting members of the Administrator’s Council.