Test Taker FAQs 

  • We are located in the KSU Center (3333 Busbee Drive, Suite 350). The Testing Center entrance is on the West entrance of the KSU Center building.
  • Visitors should park in the parking lot on the west side of the building.
  • You can schedule an appointment by clicking here. If you need assistance, please call 470-578-4800 to talk to one of our testing professionals.
  • Testing fees are paid online using a major credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) when you schedule your appointment at the Testing Center.
    • Proper identification.  You must present a current and valid government issued photo ID bearing your name and your signature (driver’s license, military ID, passport, other state or federal government issued ID card) on the day of your test. You will not be permitted to take your exam without proper identification.  Expired IDs, credit cards, Sam’s cards, etc are not acceptable forms of identification. Please contact the testing center staff at 470-578-4800 if you have questions about identification cards.

    • Items specifically authorized by your professor or organization if taking a faculty requested or Non-KSU exam (calculator, notes, book, etc). (Add a period at the end of this sentence)
  • Plan to arrive to the Testing Center at least 15 minutes before the start of your scheduled exam. This will allow you ample time to park, find the Testing Center, and get checked in by the staff.
  • We are also limiting “walk-in” appointments, so please contact the testing team at ksutesting@kennesaw.edu if you have an emergency testing requirement.
  • Appointments cancelled at least 24-hours before the scheduled exam time will have testing fees refunded. If appointments are not cancelled at least 24-hours before scheduled exam time, or if you miss your exam, no refunds will be issued. If you are running late, contact the testing center and we will adjust your exam start time on the day of your exam.

Faculty FAQs 

  • Refer students to our homepage to register for their exam. Inform your students about the student registration process so they can reserve their seat in the testing lab.
  • If you decide to cancel your exam at the Testing Center, please send an email to the Testing Center staff so we can remove your reservation from our appointment system, and free up previously reserved seats. A member from the testing staff will reply to your cancellation email to confirm the cancellation. 
  • Students who violate the Student Standards of Conduct will be directed by the Testing Center staff to stop the test and will be escorted out of the Testing Center.  Any violations will be reported to their instructor and based on the severity of the incident, may be reported to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI). Recorded video footage will be available for faculty review for one month from the date of the exam. Faculty will also have access to incident reports filled out by the Testing Center staff. 
  • Email the Testing Center at ksutesting@kennesaw.edu to let us know if you will be present or not during the exam. If you choose to be present, you are welcome to sit at the observation table behind the front desk. Because of the high likelihood of other students taking various exams concurrently with your students, we ask faculty to remain outside of the testing lab unless a student requests your assistance.