
The Kennesaw State University's Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) Doctoral Internship in Health Services Psychology has been developed to provide training in the core functional skill areas relevant to a broad range of counseling arenas, but especially a university counseling center setting. Over the course of the internship year, interns will gain exposure to individual and group counseling and psychotherapy, psychoeducational outreach and consultation, clinical supervision, assessment, and research.

Within KSU’s internship we aim to provide training in individual and group counseling/therapy, outreach and consultation, supervision, assessment and research. Our training program embraces a comprehensive supervision model that is intensive and progressive and provides interns contact with the gamut of licensed psychologist supervisors who vary in training, diversity, personal style, and theoretical orientation. Thus, our program does not adhere to one theoretical model, but provides exposure to a range of them; further, our center is interdisciplinary and interns will also have the opportunity to work with social workers, licensed professional counselors, a marriage and family therapist and psychiatric staff here at KSU.


The intent of our Doctoral Internship in Health Services Psychology is to provide a broadly based and integrated scholar-practitioner program for this conclusive year of graduate training in clinical or counseling psychology. The program is grounded in psychological science and is a developmentally sequenced, experientially driven training model, with training occurring across multiple intervention modalities; intensive individual and group supervision characterize the program, with didactic seminar experiences and professional consultation providing depth and breadth.

The KSU internship is designed to prepare multiculturally competent and ethically attentive professional psychologists who can enter the field with proficiency, creativity and flexibility in a variety of positions, providing clinical, consultation and outreach services to adults in outpatient settings, and providing training to their own students and other clinicians.

CPS staff members value our multicultural, multidisciplinary and multi-theoretical learning and working environment. Enhancement of multicultural skills is a central component of our program, with related issues being addressed in all aspects of the training program and staff actively engaged in examining our own multiple identities. Our shared awareness of developmental challenges and of brief therapy provide common ground for CPS staff and will become core to CPS intern training.


Kennesaw State University (KSU) is located approximately 25 miles northwest of Atlanta, GA. KSU is a member of the University System of Georgia and the third-largest university in the state with over 44,000 students. Two related campus locations currently house 19 professional staff members and three office assistants. On the Kennesaw campus and residing in Kennesaw Hall is the largest group of clinicians, with 16 professional staff, a psychiatrist, and 5-7 practicum trainees with an office manager and administrative assistants. The Marietta campus, located about 9 miles south of the Kennesaw campus, houses four professional staff, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and 2-4 practicum trainees in their office in the student center, along with one administrative assistant. All of the locations function as one with the same policies and procedures guiding them. Interns may be based out of any of the locations or function across different sites as service demands dictate. Regardless of location, interns have access to their own supervisors or other licensed psychologists in addition to on-call counselors at all times at all locations.

All office locations provide office space, with computers and video-tape programs to assist with intern activities. Phones and clerical support are also available at each site.

The Staff

The CPS staff reflects a diversity of training with 2 counseling psychologists, 2 clinical psychologists, 2 psychology associates, 5 licensed professional counselors, 4 licensed clinical social workers, one marriage and family counselor, one psychiatrist and one psychiatric nurse practitioner. Our providers operate from the range of theoretical orientations (e.g., psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive behavioral, and relational-cultural). In short, CPS staff members endorse and value our multicultural, multidisciplinary and multi-theoretical learning and working environment. Enhancement of multicultural skills is a central component of our program, with related issues being addressed in all aspects of the training program and in the professional growth and development of regular staff members. Three doctoral interns will join this staff.

The Clients

KSU interns will have the opportunity to work with a broad college student clientele. KSU students come from widely diverse backgrounds so that interns might work with first generation, rural or urban students- White, Asian, Hispanic or Black students- gay, straight, transgender or cisgender students- Christian, Muslim or Hindu students, and so many other groups that they cannot all be named here. Similarly, KSU students present with the broad range of developmental, relational and psychological problems; these most often involve students with anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts and academic concerns. However, interns could also gain exposure to working with more severe problems, including students with autistic spectrum disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disordered clients or clients with emerging schizophrenia. 

The Experience

CPS interns will routinely work 40 hours per week with 10 Holidays and the ability to accumulate vacation and sick leave through the Georgia State system. The 2000-hour internship will be completed over a 12-month time frame. Interns will be compensated at $36,486.00 for the year. Interns will have the opportunity to choose two of five rotation specialties over the course of their training year. These include: Groups, Trauma, Crisis Management, Supervision and Assessment.

CPS endorses a brief therapy model (up to 16 sessions per academic year) and all counseling clients enter the system through triage (initial consultations/ICs). Interns will provide 3-4 hours of ICs and schedule approximately 18 individual client hours per week. Interns will cover at least 1.15 hours of group counseling per week but may cover more with additional group commitments. Interns will provide and later supervise practicum trainees on delivering structured workshops on Anxiety and Depression for CPS clients. Interns may also supervise a master’s counselor on individual therapy depending on rotation commitments.  Interns will conduct a minimum of 4 psychological test batteries, materials provided by CPS. 

The Training

The CPS internship at KSU provides training across multiple intervention modalities, and interns can expect to gain competency with individual and group counseling, as well as with developing and presenting psychoeducational workshops and other preventive programs. Intensive individual and group supervision characterize the program, with interns receiving 2 hours of individual supervision per week, along with supervision of group counseling.

Further, interns will participate in a weekly Case Conference/Cluster meeting in which interns, staff and other students will present clinical cases for disposition, case management and case conceptualization. In total Interns will receive a minimum of 5 and up to 6 hours of training per week through the internship.

A didactic seminar experience which will focus on case conceptualization with application to psychological theory and science, as well as specialized topics like- diversity, groups, supervision, assessment, and professional development. Intern training will be focused around Rotation specialties as follows:

    • Multiple Groups: Co-facilitate multiple (2) groups led by CPS staff to students. At least one to be a process group and one a skill group.
    • Anxiety/Depression Workshops: Facilitate 4 additional workshops on campus, training practicum students to facilitate them
    • Readings: Complete three related readings selected by the Rotation supervisor
    • Supervision:  Receive related supervision weekly from CPS staff focused on each group
    • Behavioral Risk Assessment Team: Participate in regular meetings of the university’s BRT, learning disposition and management of complex and high-risk students
    • Caseload: Accept increased referrals of CPS clients with crisis situations
    • Complete a week on after-hours and emergency on-call
    • Complete a campus debriefing re a crisis with staff member (as opportunity presents)
    • Readings: Complete three related readings selected by the Rotation supervisor
    • Supervision:  Receive related supervision weekly from CPS staff focused on crises


    • Victim Asst. Center: Participate in routine meetings with
    • Caseload: Accept increased referrals of CPS clients with trauma histories (at least 3)
    • Group: Co-facilitate a trauma-related counseling group provided by CPS
    • Readings: Complete three related readings selected by the Rotation supervisor
    • Supervision:  Receive related supervision weekly from CPS staff focused on trauma clients/groups


    • Psychological Testing: Conduct 2 additional psychological test batteries to address specific clinical questions, including, Behavioral, Personality, Objective and Projective tests
    • Case Presentation: Present a testing case to CPS staff
    • Participate in CPS system research/evaluation as opportunities present
    • Readings: Complete three related readings selected by the Rotation supervisor
    • Supervision:  Receive related supervision weekly from CPS staff focused on assessment
    • Supervise a practicum student on the trainee's caseload
    • Co-facilitate 2 training seminars for practicum students
    • Lead two training seminars for practicum students
    • Readings: Complete three related readings selected by the Rotation supervisor
    • Supervision:  Receive related supervision weekly from CPS staff focused on supervision

The interns completing their training at CPS will emerge with a strong foundation in the health services psychology fields, and with the skills to enter their post-doctoral training with confidence and excitement.

The Evaluation Process

Supervisors will meet with interns at the beginning of each semester to set specific goals for intern growth and development, and these will be documented for evaluation. Intern supervisors will provide ongoing feedback to interns through the training year and the rights and responsibilities of each party will be addressed explicitly in writing. These formal written evaluations will occur three times per year with clinical supervisors. Primary and Secondary supervisors will both complete evaluations of Intern Competency midyear and at the end of the training year. Verbal feedback will be shared with the intern during supervision on an on-going basis, and any problems with intern’s behavior or progress will be discussed explicitly. In order to measure minimum level of competency, the following ratings will be used

On this scale: 4) Competent meets the minimum level of achievement required in all elements of PWCs evaluated for completion of the internship

  • Intern’s performance demonstrates a level of competence that exceeds the level expected of an intern at this stage in training. The use of the element is consistently incorporated into the intern's work and is evident in their daily professional practice. Intern is able to reflect on their experience of the element and knows when to consult.
  • The intern is aware of the element and routinely applies it in their work without need for assistance. The intern seeks greater learning about and understanding of the element as a form of ongoing development. This is the minimal level of competence needed for successful completion of the training program and entry-level practice.
  • The intern is aware of the element and can utilize this awareness to inform their work in the internship setting, though the intern may still need assistance didactically or experientially in order to regularly utilize the element in their direct service. The application of learning to practice may be inconsistent. Ongoing supervision and monitoring is focused on continued advancement, integration, and consistency.
  • The intern has a basic foundation in the element and moves toward acquiring competence in it. The intern may have cognitive understanding or experiential skill with the element, but those may not be well integrated. Significant supervision and monitoring are required to support the skill level needed for entry-level practice.
  • Level 1 - Insufficient Competence: The intern does not understand or is unable to effectively demonstrate the element that is expected at this time in the training experience OR the intern exhibits behaviors indicating lack of readiness for the work that is required in the internship setting. A doctoral intern evaluated at this level will require immediate augmented supervision or structured training opportunities.

N/O/A Not Observable / Applicable completes the rating levels.

By the end of the training year, interns will have developed appropriate levels of competence in the required Profession Wide Competencies.

  • Ethical and Legal Standards
  • Individual and Cultural Diversity
  • Professional Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Assessment
  • Intervention
  • Supervision
  • Consultation and Interdisciplinary Skills
  • Research

CPS requires mastery of two further Program-Specific Competencies:

  • Groups
  • Outreach

Intern Selection

Interns must be completing doctoral training in Clinical or Counseling Psychology and must have completed three years of related academic work, and at least two 9-month, supervised practicum experiences. Selected CPS interns must pass a background check with the Human Resource Dept. prior to beginning work at KSU.

Interns will be selected based on 1) a review of their academic record in a doctoral program in Clinical or Counseling Psychology, 2) a review of the number and type of direct service hours completed in supervised practicum training, 3) progress in completing program requirements (e.g., Comprehensive Exams, Dissertation proposal), 4) application materials (Letter of interest, Personal Essays, and Letters of Recommendation) and 5) an interview with the Training Committee (which may take place virtually or in person).  

CPS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran or military status. Any needed accommodations should be made known after applicants are selected for interviews. Minorities and members of under-served communities are especially encouraged to apply.


CPS will be completing the MATCH process in spring of 2025 with the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) for a training class to begin fall 2025. KSU is now a member of APPIC and will be listed with the MATCH program code: 251711 in the internship Directory.  Please go to the APPIC website ( for further information and to submit your application. Applications should be submitted through the APPIC MATCH by November 11, 2024, 11:59PM EST.  CPS is accepting applications for three doctoral interns for the 2025-26 academic year. 

CPS has been granted Accreditation on contingency by the American Psychological Association (APA) accreditation committee as of Feb. 2, 2024. The Commission on Accreditation can be reached at 750 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C., 20002-4242, or by calling (202) 336-5979.

Contact Information

For questions regarding the internship, please contact J. “Dr. Jay” LaVelle Ingram, Associate Director for Training via e-mail at or at 470-578-6600. E-mail contact is preferred.

Counseling & Psychological Services
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw Hall, rm. 2401, MD 0117
585 Cobb Avenue, NW
Kennesaw, GA  30144