SABAC's membership includes the following voting members:
- Chair: A DSA Staff member appointed by the Dean of Students (votes only in the event
of a tie)
- Vice Chair: Student Government Association Treasurer (or designee from treasurer's
- Five Additional Students appointed by the SGA President representing diverse constituencies
that are reflective of the student body
- Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee)
- Administrator appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee)
The following will serve SABAC in a non-voting advisory capacity:
- Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA)
- Dean of Students (DOS)
- One designated Business Manager from the Division of Student Affairs
- SABAC Secretary (Secretary to the Dean of Students or designee)
This composition exceeds the policy requirement from the Board of Regents.
Voting Members
SABAC Students are students that volunteer their time to help ensure that KSU's student activities fees are used properly. These students volunteer their time to review SABAC Supplemental & Annual Budget Requests each month. These students attend each meeting, question, discuss, and vote on each request. These student gain real-world budget experience from SABAC and after serving on SABAC are allowed to use SABAC as a work reference on their resume.
America Lopez, Student Representative
Degrees/Major: Current & Previous RSO Membership: Student Government Association Treasurer Other "fun facts":
Ameyia Smalls, Student Representative
Degrees/Major: Integrated Health Science Current & Previous RSO Membership: National Council of Negro Women, Trust Inc. Other "fun facts": I have been dancing since I was 3 and I recently dipped my foot into teaching dance. I hope to open my own studio!
Jordan Staples, Student Representative
Degrees/Major: Media and Entertainment Current & Previous RSO Membership: None Other "fun facts": I love to read and write in my spare time and hang out with friends.
Essence Vance, Student Representative
Degree/Major: Double majoring in Management and Marketing
Minor: Human Resources
Current & Previous RSO Membership:
- Talon One Service Center- Team Lead
- 3rd-year resident assistant
- 3-year RA Streat Team
- Owl Access Crew
- SGA Residence Life Senator
- The international Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi
- T.R.U.S.T member
Other "fun facts": My husband has the same name as my dad and two of my brothers!
Mason Valles, Student Representative
Degrees/Major: Computer Engineering / Minoring: in Computer Science Current & Previous RSO Membership: Aerial Robotics Competition Team and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Other "fun facts": My favorite thing about Kennesaw is all of the trees! Getting to
explore and hike around Kennesaw Mountain to see all of the charming wildlife and
foliage. The best time to go is during the fall with the vibrant colors of and the
smell of sweet pine sap makes it magical.
Keely Gerety, Student Representative
Degrees/Major: Geospatial science Current & Previous RSO Membership: Student Government Association and Gamma Theta Upsilon Other "fun facts": I love to travel, and I hope to visit every content before I turn 25!
Hope McDowell, Student Representative
Degrees/Major: Accounting Current & Previous RSO Membership: Gospel Choir, Big Sister Little Sister, Student Government Association, The Safe Place, and Black Honors Society
Other "fun facts": I have seven siblings!
DeSuela Beverly, Student Representative
Degrees/Major: Integrated Health Science Current & Previous RSO Membership: Integrated Health Science Club
Other "fun facts": I love to sing and watch movies!
Title: Associate Dean of Students Email: Phone: 470-578-6367 |
DeCarius Gillyard, SABAC - Chair
Title: Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI) Director Email: Phone: 470-578-3403
Kimmya Cabral, SABAC - Business Operations Specialist
Title: Business Operations Specialist Email: Phone: Team Call ONLY
Melissa Kohring, SABAC – Secretary
Title: Executive Administrative Assistant & SABAC Secretary Email: Phone: 470-578-6367