About Kappa Alpha Psi
Kappa Alpha Psi, a college Fraternity, now comprised of functioning Undergraduate and Alumni Chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout the country, is the crystallization of a dream. It is the beautiful realization of a vision shared commonly by the late Revered Founders Elder Watson Diggs; John Milton Lee; Byron K. Armstrong; Guy Levis Grant; Ezra D. Alexander; Henry T. Asher; Marcus P. Blakemore; Paul W. Caine; Edward G. Irvin; and George W. Edmonds. The Fraternity was founded on January 5, 1911 and focus on the aspect that it’s members ACHIEVE, as stated in the motto. For more information regarding our Fraternity History, feel free to visit our Fraternity Website.

- Nickname: The “Untouchable” OI Nupes, The “Untouchable” Northside Nupes
- Chartered: May 18, 2001
- Motto: Striving For The Advancement of Brotherhood
- Philanthropies: Guide Right, Soles 4 Souls, Greeks Learning to Avoid Debt (GLAD), Feed Our Children Now, Goodwill, iKare, The Foundation
- National Website: www.kappaalphapsi.org
- Local Website: Owl Life
- Email Address: info@oinupes.org