marietta globe


Undergraduate Research and Education Abroad Program

Faculty can earn up to $5,000 to support their education abroad experience that includes undergraduate research

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students enjoying class


First-Year Scholars Program

This program is designed to pair first-year students who are interested in research with faculty mentors who will guide them on research in their respective disciplines.

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Sophmore scholars program stuedent


Sophomore Scholars Program

The Sophomore Scholars Program is an extension of the First-Year Scholars Program.

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students hanging signage for exhibit booth


Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program

The VIP program is designed to facilitate long-term research involving large teams of faculty/staff members and students.

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group of students listening to mentor


Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award

This award is given to a KSU faculty or staff member who exhibits sustained exceptional mentoring of undergraduate researchers at Kennesaw State.

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Funding For Students

  • Smiling student in lab coat



    Undergraduate researchers are eligible to apply for funding to support their research (for example, supplies, travel support for conference presentations, publication costs)

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  • scholar explains research at conference.



    Students in all disciplines are encouraged to apply for this paid summer undergraduate research opportunity.

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  • Mentoring a peer in front of computer



    Check out our paid opportunities to mentor first-year undergraduate researchers!

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  • a student who looks like clark kent from Superman



    Students who have been accepted to present their research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research are eligible to apply for funds to cover expenses.

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  • student petween books at table



    First-year students can get a small stipend for working with a faculty member on research.

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    The Sophomore Scholars Program is an extension of the First-Year Scholars Program.

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  • undergraduate research club at exhibition event



    The Undergraduate Research Club applies for funding through SABAC to support research teams' conference travel.

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  • student at table



    There are many national sources of undergraduate research funding.

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  • student at desk with electronic devices



    KSU departments and colleges may have funding opportunities for undergraduate researchers.

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    Have you received Office of Undergraduate Research funding? Check out our  guidelines page for more information.

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