Write Successful Grant Proposals

We offer various resources to help faculty write successful grant proposals.
  • Database of grant writing resources
  • Proposal review
  • Workshops
  • Faculty development programs

Scroll down to learn more!

grant writing



Database of Grant Writing Resources

We maintain a database of grant-writing resources on D2L. It includes information on creating ORCid and Google Scholar profiles, finding funding, contacting Program Officers, satisfying review criteria, becoming a reviewer, preparing and structuring your proposal, developing supporting documents (e.g., Budget and Budget Justification, SciENcv, Biosketches, Synergistic Activities, Mentoring and Diversity, Facilities and Equipment, and Data Management), and submitting your proposal.

The database also contains checklists and templates for common types of proposals, example proposals, and more! 

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Proposal Review

We  offer proposal review with a 10 to 15 business day turnaround. You can request content review and/or copyediting.

Proposal review


We offer various workshops throughout the year:

  • Grant-writing workshops focused on identifying funding and writing compelling proposals targeted to the funder.
  • Discipline-specific workshops, which can be requested by deans, associate deans of research, or chairs.
  • Grant-specific workshops, which are tailored to one funding opportunity.

Add the OVPR calendar to your Outlook calendar to stay apprised of Office of Research workshops and events.

How to Add OVPR Calendar

Faculty Development Programs

We sponsor professional development programs designed to provide faculty with leadership opportunities as well as mentoring opportunities to help faculty successfully apply for research grants from state and federal agencies, foundations, and non-profits.

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