2024 Initiatives Cohort
Enhancing Dementia Caregiving with AI-based Dementia Care Voice Assistant Application
Lead PI: Modupe Adewuyi
Team: Modupe Adewuyi, Xinyue Zhang
Personalized AI-Powered Task Assistance System for Critically Ill Patients
Lead PI: Awatef Ergai
Team: Awatef Ergai, Sylvia Bhattacharya
Supporting the Math Teachers You Wish You Had: A Statewide Pathway for Developing
and Retaining Mathematics Teacher Leaders in High-Needs Schools
Lead PI: David Glassmeyer
Team: David Glassmeyer, Kimberly Gardner, Sheryl Croft
Revolutionizing Clandestine Grave Detection: Integrating AI with GPR for Enhanced
Forensic Recovery of Buried Remains
Lead PI: Alice Gooding
Team: Alice Gooding, Da Hu
Body Brush: Interactive Software for the Creation of Embodied Visual Art
Lead PI: Andrea Knowlton
Team: Andrea Knowlton, Kyungeun Lim
User-Optimized Variable Joint Stiffness Design for Ankle Foot Motion Control in Orthoses
and Exoskeletons
Lead PI: Geza Kogler
Team: Geza Kogler, Ayse Tekes, Coskun Tekes
The Impact of Housing Shifts due to Gentrification on Positive Youth Development
Lead PI: Megan Lee
Team: Megan Lee, Chris Hess, Llewellyn Cornelius
3D Hierarchical Structure via Supramolecular Assembly of Biomolecules for Flexible
Energy Storage Materials
Lead PI: Bo Li
Team: Bo Li, Ashish Aphale, Beibei Jiang, Lei Shi
Enhancing Student Engagement with Peer Questioning in Immersive Virtual Classroom
using Large Language Models
Lead PI: Jiho Noh
Team: Jiho Noh, Dabae Lee, Sungchul Jung, Taeyeong Choi
Innovating to Prevent Child Injuries in the Home: Leveraging Immersive Virtual Reality
and Real-World Simulation to Improve Parents' Home Safety Behaviors
Lead PI: Melissa Osborne
Team: Melissa Osborne, Lei Zhang, Allison Garefino
The Performance of Place: Historical Landscapes, Dance, and Cultural Narratives at
Serenbe Art Farm
Lead PI: Robin Puttock
Team: Robin Puttock, Tom Okie, Jacqueline Springfield, Autumn Eckman, McCree O'Kelley
Hope for a Better Future: Building Collaborative Resilience in Liberia (HOPE)
Lead PI: Herman Ray
Team: Herman Ray, Volker Franke
SpectrumPlay: Supporting Inclusive Music Literacy of Students in the General Elementary
Music Classroom
Lead PI: Tiffany Roman
Team: Tiffany Roman, Rachel Sorenson
WE SHARE: Wheelchair Exoskeleton Synergy for Holistic Adaptive Rehabilitation Evolution
Lead PI: Razvan Voicu
Team: Razvan Voicu, Muhammad Hassan Tanveer, Yannique Tello
Accelerating Biomolecular Research by Optimizing Dynamic Simulations using Deep Learning
Lead PI: Chloe Yixin Xie
Team: Chloe Yixin Xie, Bobin Deng
Feasibility Study of An Immersive Virtual Reality Therapeutic System for Meaning-centered
Grief Therapies in Bereaved Parents
Lead PI: Lei Zhang
Team: Lei Zhang, Anisah Bagasra
Non-invasive Fractional Flow Reserve Evaluation using Coronary Computed Tomography
Lead PI: Chen Zhao
Team: Chen Zhao, Pengcheng Xiao
Passive and Context-aware In-home Fall Detection and Risk Analysis using COTSRadar
Sensors with Cross-modal Integration
Lead PI: Zongxing Xie
Team: Zongxing Xie, Chen Zhao, Xinyue Zhang, Mark Geil