Research Seed Funding

The Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Program supports interdisciplinary research teams among Kennesaw State University (KSU)’s researchers in all areas of research, scholarship and creative activity. This one-year support is given for collaborative proposals with the anticipation of a major grant submission upon its conclusion (i.e., >$100,000 total direct costs). Seed funding allows KSU’s researchers to demonstrate the feasibility of their idea and create pilot data to be more competitive for extramural funding.

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Seed Grant Recipients

Available Funds

A total of $200,000 annual funds will be invested by the Office of Research. Individual applications should not exceed $10,000.


Any collaborative team with at least two (2) researchers from different disciplines are encouraged to apply. At least two (2) Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PIs) must be full-time faculty at KSU preferably from different colleges. Each applicant can only receive one award per year. Preference will be given to teams who…

  1. Fit into one of the emerging interdisciplinary research clusters (Applied Technology, Sustainable Communities, One Health, or Innovative Creativity), and/or
  2. Have or are pursuing space in the new Marietta Interdisciplinary Research building (starting in 2025). 


By accepting the award, researchers are committing to: 1) staying at KSU for the duration of the award year. 2) submitting a grant application with total direct costs of more than $100,000 within one year following this seed funding, and 3) serving as an internal reviewer in future cycles. Other research/scholarship/creative activity outcomes will be considered with justification (i.e., make a case for how this work can be used to significantly enhance KSU’s research profile). 


Applications are accepted two (2) times per year on the third Tuesday of April and September at 5:00 PM ET.

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Allowable Costs

All spending plans and orders are due by January 15 each year. Travel must be encumbered by March 1 and expended by April 30. Any amount that exceeds the approved funding will not be covered by the Office of Research unless prior approval is received. If faculty incurs expenses that exceed their funding, they will be responsible for covering these costs.