The Table snippet provides a way to display data in a visually pleasing manner.

Column Title 1 Column Title 2 Column Title 3 Column Title 4
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Service Animal Emotional Support Animal
May only be a dog or a miniature horse May be any animal
Specifically trained to perform tasks for the individual with a disability Is not trained to perform work or tasks for the individual with a disability
Tasks performed are related to major life activities such as hearing, navigating, and caring for oneself. The primary purpose of the service animal may NOT be emotional support, therapy, or comfort Is prescribed to an individual by a licensed physician to assist with emotional support needs related to the individual's diagnosed disability
Can accompany the individual anywhere on campus, excluding those areas where all animals are prohibited for safety and health reasons Must remain in the individual's assigned on-campus dwelling, with the exception for leashed walks in areas where events are not taking place
Must be registered with SDS only if entering campus housing Must be approved by SDS through the accommodations process



Column Title 1 Column Title 2 Column Title 3 Column Title 4
Cells can be merged by highlighting the cells, right click, hover over cells, and select merge cells test test


Column Title 1 Column Title 2 Column Title 3 Column Title 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
3 (merged)
1 2 4
1 2 3 4

Fix-width Cells

Column Title 1 Column Title 2 Column Title 3 Column Title 4
width of table set to 500px test test test