KSU Offers Flu Shots for Faculty and Staff

KSU is pleased to offer flu shots to faculty and staff. In order to reserve your time slot, please click on the registration link below that coincides with your desired date and location.

  1. In addition to registering below, you will also need to complete the CVS consent form prior to coming to the clinic. Please bring the completed form with you to your appointment.

  2. All participants should bring their health insurance ID and/or medicare card in order to utilize free vaccinations covered by your wellness benefits.

  3. If you do not have health insurance, you can be billed for the out-of-pocket cost.

  4. In order for Kaiser members to utilize their no co-pay flu shot, they must receive care from a Kaiser provider instead of this opportunity through CVS. 

Flu Shot Frequently Asked Questions

  • The vaccine provides protection about 2 weeks after you receive it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends getting vaccinated each flu season as soon as you can.
  • The CDC recommends a seasonal influenza vaccination every year for everyone 6 months and older.
  • You might have some minor side effects after getting a flu shot, with symptoms including but not limited to:

    • Soreness, redness or swelling of the skin where you got the shot.
    • Low–grade fever.
    • Body aches.

    If you feel any of these side effects, don't worry. You should feel better within 1 to 2 days. If not, please report any side effects to your pharmacist or MinuteClinic provider.

  • Yes. We have taken steps to ensure that our colleagues and all our customers, including seniors, feel safe during immunizations. That's why we have reduced the number of touchpoints in the process and implemented new guidelines in accordance with the CDC. For example, patients will be given a COVID-19 screening questionnaire and have their temperature taken prior to any immunization. They must also wear a face covering or mask (one will be provided, if needed). The pharmacist or MinuteClinic provider administering the immunization will be given special personal protection equipment (PPE), including a plastic face shield. A designated space was created for immunizations that will allow for adequate physical distancing and the immunization area will be sanitized between patients.