Sheth Faculty Award for Distinguished International Achievement

The Madhuri And Jagdish N. Sheth Faculty Award for Distinguished International Achievement recognizes and honors a member of the full-time teaching faculty who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and creative activity, and professional service which embodies culturally diverse and pluralistic global perspectives; and effective and innovative teaching practices focused on preparing students to be responsible global leaders. The award highlights the importance of the international dimensions of the awardees’ contributions to his/her discipline or subject matter.

  • The candidate must demonstrate a sustained record of contributing to the global community. The recipient must have contributed in significant ways to strengthening the international dimension of KSU. Additional criteria to be considered include:

    • Significant record of achievement and recognition for international work;
    • Be of such stature and accomplishment that students, faculty, and staff of KSU will take pride in and be inspired by their recognition;
    • Be an individual whose disciplinary contributions have made a positive impact internationally.
  • Any full-time teaching faculty is eligible to be nominated for the award. Administrators with faculty rank are ineligible for faculty awards (i.e., receives a Contract for Faculty Ranked Administrators). Previous award winners of this award (under any of its previous names) are not eligible to apply again. The award recipient must be under contract at KSU when the award is presented.

    Award Amount
    Each award consists of $2,000.

    Number and Frequency of Awards
    Up to one (1) award may be presented annually, selected based on the qualifications of nominees.

  • Each college is responsible for creating the process by which their nominees are chosen. College deans or their designees submit nominations. There are no limits on the number of nominees each college can submit. The selection committee can reactivate nominations submitted for 2 years after the original submission.

    Nominations packets should include:

    • A completed Cover Sheet with signatures;
    • A 3-5 page summary statement by the nominee highlighting their achievements in global service, teaching and scholarship. Documentation should include citations, recognitions, and materials demonstrating a commitment to international education. The summary must be created using 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins;
    • A condensed curriculum vitae (2-3 pages);
    • A support letter from the nominee’s academic home chair; jointly appointed faculty may submit a joint letter from both chairs or two separate letters;
    • A maximum of three external letters in support of the nomination, in addition to the chair’s letter (please note KSU deans are not eligible to provide a letter);
    • Any other appendix materials useful to build the case;
    • All materials must be compiled into a single pdf document;
    • The packet must not exceed 20 pages. The Cover Sheet does not count toward the 20-page limit.
  • The selection committee will look for contributions that reflect broad international impact. A significant record of teaching, research, and/or service with an international focus and impact will be critical. Nominations will be evaluated by a university committee including one member from each of the degree granting colleges, the Executive Director for Faculty Development and Recognition, and the Associate Vice Provost for Global Education or their designate. Since members serving on this committee may not be experts in the nominee's field, it is important that nominations be submitted in language understandable to faculty in other disciplines.
  • To submit a nomination, the college dean or their representative should:

    1. Prepare each nomination application as a separate file, ensuring the correct cover sheet for the award is attached as the first page of the file. 
    2. Click on the name of your college below to access the OneDrive folder where you will upload the nomination packet(s) for your college. (If access is denied, please contact Global Education at
    3. Click on the Upload button at the top of the page in OneDrive to upload each nomination file.


    The college dean and each nominee will receive a confirmation email for their nomination within the next business day.

    • To Be Determined 


Past Award Recipients

  • Susan Kirkpatrick Smith, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Geography and Anthropology

  • Amanda Richey, Professor of TESOL, Department of Inclusive Education

  • Jayoung Choi, Professor of TESOL, Department of Inclusive Education

  • Katya Vladimirov, Professor of History, Department of History and Philosophy

  • Akanmu Adebayo, Professor of History, Department of History and Philosophy

  • Kamal Fatehi, Professor of Management,
    Management and Entrepreneurship

  • Lin Hightower, Professor of Art, School of Art and Design

  • Ming Chen, Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies, Department of Theatre and Performance Studies

  • Laurence Sherr, Professor of Music, Bailey School of Music

  • Terry Powis, Associate Professor of Anthropology,  Department of Geography and Anthropology
