Commencement Attendance Portal - Tassel

Tassel is the system used to manage commencement operations, including graduate RSVPs, graduate communications, and grad passes. Graduates must create an account in Tassel to RSVP their attendance, to receive four guest tickets, to ensure their name is pronounced and listed correctly for the commencement ceremony.  All students (except doctoral students) wanting to participate in commencement MUST log into the Commencement Attendance Portal -Tassel and RSVP their intent to participate in commencement.  Students who do not RSVP their intent to participate in commencement may not be able to participate in commencement and may not receive guest tickets.

The Spring 2025 Tassel Commencement Reservation portal will open on January 22 and close on February 23. You will receive an email from Tassel when the portal is ready to accept reservations.

Day of Commencement

On the day of commencement at Kennesaw State, it’s important to plan ahead using the following list for a smooth graduation experience. Arrive at the Dr. Betty L. Sigel Student Recreation and Activities Center 2 hours before your ceremony starts for check-in and ensure you’ve transferred tickets to your guests in advance—tickets will not be available for purchase on the day. Don’t forget to follow the clear bag policy, and all graduates must park in the Central Parking Deck. A livestream of the ceremony will begin 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

  • Any unauthorized modifications to regalia will be confiscated and returned to the graduate after the ceremony. Unauthorized modifications include noise-making items on mortarboards, or any language that violates the law, Board of Regents or KSU policies, such as threatening, harassing, obscene, or discriminatory content.
  • Do not bring a bag to your ceremony. If you do bring a bag, it MUST meet the clear bag policy.
  • Check in at the Dr. Betty L. Sigel Student Recreation and Activities Center 2 hours before your ceremony starts.
  • Remember to transfer your claimed tickets to your guests prior to your arrival. This ensures your guests have time to download their tickets before approaching the doors. Tickets will NOT be available for purchase on the day of the ceremony.
  • The livestream of the ceremony will begin 15 minutes before the advertised start time.
  • Please remember that all Graduates must park in the Central Parking Deck.

Academic Regalia - Caps and Gowns

Graduation is an exciting time at Kennesaw State University as student accomplishments are celebrated throughout campus, culminating with a commencement ceremony. In preparation for this significant occasion, it is required for graduates to wear the appropriate graduation attire and academic regalia. Graduates who are not wearing the required KSU regalia will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony. The university reserves the right to require graduates to change their cap if it is deemed inappropriate. Please follow the guidelines listed below.

We recommend underneath the graduation gown, graduates wear dark, professional attire and shoes to complement the black academic regalia of Kennesaw State University. Academic regalia can be purchased through Jostens.

Josten's regalia deadline to be delivered to the bookstore is February 9. The regalia home ship deadline is March 23 for undergraduate and graduate regalia (including Doctoral regalia) to ensure delivery for Commencement week. Undergraduate and Graduate regalia, with the exception of doctorate regalia, may also be purchased at the KSU Bookstore any time prior to commencement ceremonies. 

  • Undergraduate degree graduates should wear the new black gown with gold piping designed with two gold embroidered KSU school seals, black mortarboard (cap), and black and gold tassel. (Note: The tassel is worn on the right side of the mortarboard (cap) prior to the degree being conferred, and on the left side after the degree is conferred.) The university reserves the right to require graduates to change their cap if it is deemed inappropriate.
  • Master’s and Specialist degree graduates wear the new black gown with gold piping designed with two gold embroidered KSU school seals, a hood, and a black mortarboard (cap) with black and gold tassel. Each hood has a separate color* based on the discipline and it is the most distinctive feature of this academic attire. Education Specialist hoods are somewhat different in that they are longer and wider than the master’s hoods. The university reserves the right to require graduates to change their cap if it is deemed inappropriate.
  • Doctoral Students - Preparing to Walk at Commencement

    Below is important information to help you prepare for graduation and, if you choose, to participate in Spring 2025 commencement.

    1. Check DegreeWorks. Ensure that all requirements, including all dissertation forms, have been approved—except for the oral defense form. All forms must be approved (as reflected in DegreeWorks) before you are eligible to graduate AND eligible to walk in commencement.
    2. You have successfully defended your dissertation, and the defense forms have been submitted to by the deadlines listed below.
    3. Here is the timeline for permission to walk in commencement:
      • April 22, 2025 - To ensure that you can participate, receive guest tickets, and have your name in the commencement program.
      • April 29, 2025 - To ensure that you can participate and receive guest tickets.
        For more information, please contact:
  • Recognition Attire

    The standard gold stole previously included in the regalia package is no longer being offered. However, if you are a member of a nationally recognized organization, please refer to the academic department or national organization for appropriate recognition attire.

    Membership in an honor society is independent from KSU graduation honor policy.

    Students who qualified for membership in registered Student Organizations, Honor Societies, or Department Discipline Honor Programs while attending KSU may wear approved regalia representing these societies/programs during the Commencement ceremonies. The only types of regalia items that may be approved are Honor cords, stoles, medallions, or pins. Students must contact the appropriate academic department or sponsoring student organization for more information on obtaining these items.

    A faculty/staff representative of the academic department sponsoring the student organization must complete the Commencement Regalia Approval form. The KSU Bookstore is not responsible for ordering honors Commencement regalia. Students who are members of multiple honor societies may wear multiple pieces of regalia.

    International stoles received by graduating students who earned a previous degree from their home country may be worn during Commencement.

    During Commencement, student members of the organizations listed below are eligible to wear the following approved designations of their respective society/program:

    Alpha Kappa Delta, Sociology Teal Cord
    Alpha Phi Sigma, Criminal Justice Royal Blue and Yellow Cords
    Alpha Rho Chi, Architecture Sanguine and Azure Cords
    American Medical Women’s Association Maroon and White Cords
    Beta Alpha Psi, Accounting Red Ribbon with Medallion
    Beta Gamma Sigma, Business Blue and Gold Honor Cords
    Blue Key National Honor Society, All Majors Blue Cords
    Delta Phi Alpha, German Black, Red, and Gold Cords
    Gamma Theta Upsilon, Geography Light Blue Stole
    Golden Key International Honor Society,All Majors Gold Honor Medallion with Blue and Gold Ribbons
    Kappa Delta Pi, Mathematics Education Green, Purple, and Gold Cords
    Lambda Alpha, Anthropology White stole
    Lambda Pi Eta, Communication Red and White Cords
    National Honor Society for Dance Arts Blue and White Cord; Gold Pin
    National Society of Collegiate Scholars, All Majors Burgundy and Gold Cords
    National Society of Leadership and Success, All Majors Black and Platinum Cords
    Nu Delta Alpha, Dance Burgundy and Gold Cords
    Omicron Delta Epsilon, Economics Blue and Gold Cords
    Omega Nu Lambda Blue and Silver Cords; Lapel Pin
    Order of Omega, All Majors Gold and White Cords
    Phi Alpha Alpha, Public Administration Teal and Gold Cords
    Phi Alpha, Social Work Gold Cords with Medallion
    Phi Alpha Theta, History Red and Blue Cords
    Phi Beta Delta, International Scholars Society Medallion with Red and Gold Ribbon
    Phi Eta Sigma, All Majors Black and Gold Cords
    Phi Kappa Phi, All Majors Gold, White, and Blue Medallion with Royal-Blue Ribbon
    Phi Lambda Upsilon, Chemistry Blue and Pink Cords
    Pi Delta Phi, French Blue, White and Red Cords
    Pi Kappa Lambda, Music White and Gold Cords
    Pi Mu Epsilon, Mathematics Violet, Gold, and Lavender
    Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science Red, Black, and White Cords
    Psi Chi, Psychology Blue and Gold Cords
    Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish Gold and Red Cords
    Sigma Iota Rho, International Affairs Purple and Gold Cords
    Sigma Lambda Chi, Construction Management Green and Gold Cords and Medallions
    Sigma Tau Delta, English Red and Black Cords
    Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Orchid and White Cords
    Tau Upsilon Alpha, Human Services Gold Stole with Royal Blue Lettering
    Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Computer and Information Disciplines Maroon and White Cords
    Air Force Air Force Insignia
    Army Army Insignia
    Coast Guard Coast Guard Insignia
    Marine Corps Marine Corps Insignia
    Navy Navy Insignia
    Center for Young Adult Addiction & Recovery* Purple Cord
    Department of Athletics Black Stole with Gold Trim and Lettering
    Global Medical Brigades Red and Silver Cords
    KSU Journey Honors College Red and Gold Cords
    Office of Undergraduate Research Orange Cord
    Student Success Programs* Teal and Silver Cords
  • Regalia Assistance Available for Graduating Students We are committed to ensuring all students have the opportunity to participate in their commencement ceremony, regardless of financial circumstances, by offering loaned regalia to students who are unable to afford the cost of graduation attire. Regalia will be available for ceremony use only and is distributed based on demonstrated financial need. Please note that availability is limited. The deadline to apply is April 4. To submit your application, visit:

    For questions, contact CARE Services at


Graduating with Honors

Undergraduate Honors

Students are required to have an adjusted GPA of at least 3.5 and earn at least 30 semester credit hours in residence at KSU to graduate with honors.

  • Summa Cum Laude (3.90 - 4.00)
  • Magna Cum Laude (3.70 - 3.89)
  • Cum Laude (3.50 - 3.69)

Graduates receiving honors for their undergraduate degrees are acknowledged at commencement by the public announcement as they cross the stage and the gold-colored honor tassels worn with the graduation mortarboards (caps).

Students participating in commencement will be recognized with Honors using the GPA from the prior semester from the term in which they walk. For example, students graduating in the Fall 2023 semester will have the GPA used from the Summer 2023 semester and students participating in the Spring 2024 semester will have the GPA from Fall 2023 to determine their honors designation.

Honor Society

Membership in an honor society is independent from KSU graduation honor policy. See the Nationally Recognized Organizations for your honor cords. 




The KSU Alumni Association serves the alumni of the University and supports the initiatives of KSU by:

  • Building positive, long-term relationships among KSU alumni, the University, and the community
  • Providing value-added services to KSU alumni through networking opportunities, affiliation programs, and KSU-wide events
  • Supporting the long-term objectives of the University through fundraising, fostering community support, and advocating for KSU

As a new member of the KSU alumni community, you benefit from partnerships with the University and Alumni Association. For more information, please visit the Kennesaw State University Alumni Association website.

Alumni Association


Forever Owl Fest Logo

#ForeverOwl Fest

Join us in celebrating your success at Forever Owl Fest immediately following your graduation ceremony on the campus green. The post-commencement celebration will occur for an hour and a half after each commencement ceremony.

This will be your opportunity for one final party with your classmates, friends and family as you celebrate your new alumni status! Make sure you don't miss out on this chance to get a free gift from your Kennesaw State Alumni Association, photo opportunities to capture your big moment, live music, and more!

Stay tuned for more information on regarding #ForeverOwlFest by following us on Instagram at @alumniKSU


The Grad Team will take the official graduation photos for the commencement ceremonies. This will include candid photographs before and after the ceremonies, as well as an on-stage photo with the President, and a graduation portrait.  

Graduates will receive a notification from The Grad Team when the photos are ready to be viewed and ordered on The Grad Team’s portal. To view the commencement photos, graduates should visit The Grad Team website.

The Grad Team’s customer support number is 833-469-4723 (833-4MYGRAD). Their hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 10:00 am through 6:00 pm. Graduates can also email The Grad Team’s customer support at:

As an additional keepsake, KSU has partnered with StageClip to give you a short, personalized video of your graduation moment on the stage. Within a day after your ceremony, you will receive an email from StageClip with a link to view the video. Please be sure to check your KSU email, and share your video clip on social media, email it to friends or family, and enjoy it as a gift from KSU. 

Graduate Photos Personalized Video

Frequently Asked Questions

    • Yes, as long as all tests are taken before the semester ends. Proof of test completion must be sent to so your file will be held and not updated to the next term.
    • A degree is what you earn, the diploma is a piece of paper, and the certificate is a set of courses designed to meet predefined outcomes.
    • Yes. If the student is continuing to take classes for grad school or for personal interest, they need to submit the application for readmission found on the Admissions website. If the student is currently completing degree requirements, they can register according to their time ticket. If the student is continuing in a second major they do NOT need to readmit, however, should email
    • No. The minor must be completed at the time of degree completion. If the minor is not completed before or at the time of degree completion, the minor will be removed, and the degree awarded.
    • Yes, in-progress course subs need to be submitted through the Course Substitution Portal by the academic department. Please see your advisor.
    • The student must have 30 earned hours in residence at KSU in addition to meeting the 3.5 GPA or higher. 
    • In Owl Express click on the Advising tab>transcript>student records.
    • Look in Degree Works for degrees awarded. When the petition is no longer visible you may order an official copy of your transcript.
    • Undergraduates – YES, graduates – NO
    • No, the degree is not earned until the final audit has been completed by the graduation audit team. You will be notified of the outcome of the audit by email to your student email account.
    • May be purchased through Jostens and in the KSU Bookstore. 
    • An email will be sent with detailed information to all petitioned students. The email will be sent to the student email account. 
    • Students who are completing degree requirements in Summer may walk in the Spring commencement ceremony and must follow the posted deadline on the petition open and close deadline calendar.

    • Students who are completing degree requirements in Summer may walk in the Spring commencement ceremony and must follow the posted deadline on the petition open and close deadline calendar.

    • Undergraduates earning dual degrees from colleges with two different ceremonies may attend and receive tickets for both ceremonies. If both majors are recognized in the same ceremony, the student may only receive one allotment of tickets. Graduates earning dual degrees may only attend one ceremony.
    • Major and honors (if applicable) will appear on the diploma. Concentrations and minors do not appear on the diploma, however, will appear on the transcript.
    • Approximately 2-6 weeks after graduation. 
    • No, this is not an option.
    • Yes, each copy is $30.00. Email
    • Undeliverable diplomas/certificates will be returned to the Registrar's Office. Diplomas/certificates will be held in the Registrar's Office for one term following the degree awarding term after which the diploma/certificate will be recycled. Should a duplicate credential be requested, an additional diploma fee of $50.00 or certificate fee of $15.00 will be applied to the student's account.
    • Petitions must be submitted for stand-alone certificates as long as they appear in Degree Works. If they do not appear in Degree Works, please contact
    • Contact

      Address change: Contact

    • This must be your legal name. If it is different from your Student Record name, proof of name must be submitted, i.e. birth certificate, marriage license, divorce decree, court records of the name change, Green Card, US Passport. Email this documentation along with your request to
    • Yes. The past-due balance will prevent the release of the diploma, CeDiploma and, the official transcript.
    • The petition is active for two consecutive semesters at which time it becomes inactive. It will be necessary to submit another petition and pay the appropriate fee. The diploma fee is $50. The certificate fee is $15.00.
    • Payment can be made through Owl Express utilizing the Student Account tab or you may visit the Bursar’s Office to pay in person. 
    • The diploma fee is $50.00. The certificate fee is $15.00.