Commencement Regalia

The Commencement Regalia Approval Form must be completed and submitted by a faculty/staff representative of the academic department sponsoring the student organization to obtain regalia approval. The only regalia items that may be approved are Honor cords, stoles, or pins. To obtain these items, students must contact the appropriate academic department or sponsoring student organizations. The KSU Bookstore is not responsible for ordering honors commencement regalia.

Regalia Approval Form

Faculty Marshals


Faculty members from each college are chosen to serve as Marshals to assist with the ceremony. These Marshals carry the KSU baton as they lead the faculty processional into the arena and escort faculty members to their seats. At the end of the ceremony, the Marshal leads the faculty in the recessional and falls in line behind the platform party.


Chief Faculty Marshal

The honor of leading the academic procession as Chief Faculty Marshal was given to the chair of the Faculty Senate.



Faculty participating in commencement exercises need to dress in full regalia, including robe, tam, and hood. Please contact the KSU Bookstore for purchase or rental if you need regalia.