CSE 1321/CSE 1321L Modules and Components

Programming and Problem Solving I is the gateway course to the exciting world of programming, laying the essential foundations for future and current programmers. This comprehensive course places a strong emphasis on problem-solving techniques, guiding you through the intricate art of programming using a combination of pseudocode and practical examples in real programming languages.

One of the standout features of this course is the incorporation of a hands-on laboratory component, known as CSE 1321L. Here, you'll have the opportunity to put your newfound problem-solving skills to the test, applying them in a practical context. The versatility of this course is highlighted by the choice of programming languages available for your experimentation and learning, including Java, C#, and C++. 

You'll not only grasp the fundamental principles of programming but also cultivate a problem-solving mindset that will serve as a valuable asset in these future classes.

  Fall 2023 Lecture Schedule

Lecture Slides:


Note!  In the Reading Schedule below, you will see a "generic" reading for all students followed by language-specific readings.  The page numbers in the reading schedule are exclusively for the Programming Fundamentals book.  The remaining three books are optional resources.

List of books:

Old Test Questions:

The exams that are posted here are only to provide examples of what tests have been given. Disclaimer: Use these as a study guide only.  Test questions and formats will change.

CSE1321L - Python

Here are the assignments from Summer 2023

