About Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta is the seventh sorority on Kennesaw State's campus. Alpha Xi Delta prides itself on the principles of sisterhood, leadership, knowledge, an d service. Alpha Xi Delta goes above and beyond to instill these characteristics in the women of our chapter. In partnering with Autism Speaks, Alpha Xi Delta has raised over $4 million for its cause. In hosting our AmaXing Challenge philanthropy fundraiser, Alpha Xi Delta works to increase the amount of money raised for Autism Speaks each year.

National Website: www.alphaxidelta.org
National Founded: April 17, 1893 at Lombard College in Galesburg, IL
Mascot: BetXi Bear
Flower: Pink Rose
Symbol: Golden Quill
Colors: Dark Blue, Light Blue and Gold
Open Motto: Inspiring Women to Realize Their Potential
Philanthropy: Kindly Hearts Campaign- Chapter's Focus: Cobb County public school students (Supporting communities in schools of Cobb and Marietta)
KSU Chapter Founded: Kappa Alpha Chapter, February 7, 2016
New Member Program Length: 5-8 weeks
Local Website: www.kennesaw.alphaxidelta.org

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