Serving to Advise KSU Staff Members

Staff Senate is a representational organization for staff, and it serves as an advising, recommending, and consulting body that addresses policies, issues, and concerns of KSU staff members. Staff Senate provides equitable and accountable representation in a transparent environment. Who is my Staff Senate Representative?
staff senate group shot in front of campus globe

Purpose of Staff Senate

The purpose of KSU Staff Senate is to advance the mission of the university as a whole and to promote and foster the welfare of employees through the combined creativity of staff representation for all departments and colleges. 
The KSU Staff Senate serves as an advisory board in nature and a group of representatives for all staff at Kennesaw State University, all campuses inclusive.

Staff Senate is Charged with the Following:

  • Represent staff on matters brought before the University Council Governance Body facilitate and promote communication among staff.
  • Strive to improve the general welfare of staff
  • Provide opportunities to increase campus-wide staff involvement in shared governance
  • Maintain active membership and participation with University System of Georgia Staff Council

Upcoming Meetings

KSU faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend and/or participate in Staff Senate general meetings.

Date Time Campus Room
March 26, 2025 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Marietta & Kennesaw TBD
April 30, 2025 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Marietta & Kennesaw TBD
May 28, 2025 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Marietta & Kennesaw TBD
June 25, 2025 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Marietta & Kennesaw TBD

Contact Us

The only way to share, improve, or change things is to communicate.

Staff Senate is continuing to solicit input from staff.
Please share with us, accomplishments, concerns, praise and suggestions.

Form submissions are monitored by Staff Senate officers.

A warm evening light illuminates Kennesaw Hall, a modern building with a curved roofline and expansive glass windows. Trees and landscaping frame the structure.