Providing Advocacy for Retired Employees

The Kennesaw State University Retirees Association provides opportunities for all former KSU and SPSU employees to stay connected to one another and the University. The Retirees Association Steering Committee provides guidance and input for event planning, coordinates volunteer service in support of the University, and serves as a forum to advocate for the retired faculty and staff population.

Annual Objectives

  • Organize events to connect retirees to athletic, cultural or social events on both campuses
  • Keep retirees connected through social, cultural and educational events and activities
  • Recruit volunteers for each commencement ceremony
  • Serve as a watchful eye on the maintenance and upkeep of the Legacy Gazebo on the Kennesaw Campus and engraved brick walkways on both campuses
  • Coordinate and support the President's annual Retirees Ceremony
  • Assist with acquiring financial support for the KSU Retirees Legacy Scholarship funds supporting annual and endowed scholarships for KSU students related to retired employees from KSU and SPSU
  • Disseminate benefits information to retirees in collaboration with Human Resources

Join the Retirees Association

Are you interested in becoming part of a community of fellow KSU and SPSU retirees? Join the KSU Retirees Association today to learn about our upcoming events and programs and learn how to stay connected to what's happening on campus.

Join Now

Steering Committee Co-Chairs and Members

The Steering Committee meets monthly to provide guidance and input on planning events and activities for the association. Our co-chairs serve a two-year term.

2024 – 2025 Co-Chairs


Chuck Aust

Dr. Chuck Aust

David Baugher

David Baugher


Herb Smith

Dr. Herb Smith

Elaine Williams

Elaine Williams


2024 – 2025 Committee Members

Brenda Arthur
Chuck Aust
David Baugher
Debra Day
Charlotte Doolin
Mary Lou Fish
Becky Frame
Bill Hamrick
Marie Holbein
Suzy Millwood
Judy Perkins

Patricia Pierce
Kathy Rodgers
Ben Setzer
Herb Smith
Linda Stanley
Diane Willey
Elaine Williams
Jan Wilson
Chris Ziegler
Dorothy Zinsmeister