New F&A Rate Agreement

The University is required to negotiate Facilities and Administrative (F&A) charges with the Federal Government every few years. The Department of Health and Human Services' Cost Allocation Services (CAS) group sent us a revised agreement (dated July 1, 2022) containing the updated rates that will take effect immediately for the new fiscal year (FY2023) until FY 2026. (June 30, 2026). These new rates are added to the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) of a contract or grant to partially reimburse the University for research-related expenses.

Under this new agreement, the rate for on-campus Organized Research increased from 35.50% to 44%, and we have a new on-campus instruction rate of 40% and a new other sponsored activities rate of 30%.

The University's proposal, which details the actual expenses for research-related categories (space, utilities, wages, benefits, equipment, etc.) that we expended during FY20, served as the basis for these new rates (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020).

The new rate will apply to all new proposals submitted on or after January 2023 and all new or new-continuing contracts and grants awarded for funding on or after July 1, 2022. Existing contracts and grants may continue to utilize the rates originally awarded. The revised rates should be applied immediately to new supplemental funds, competitive bids, just-in-time (JIT) information, and industry contracts and proposals.

If you have any questions please contact Renita Wiley, Director Sponsored Programs Administration

Intent to Submit Request Form effective 9/1/21

If you are planning on submitting a proposal, please visit the "intent to apply" website

If your application includes a subaward, keep in mind that the other institution may have an internal deadline that your subaward PI must adhere to. Please notify your designated Pre-Award Manager of your plan to have a subaward so that the other institution can be contacted as soon as possible.

Late Proposal Submission Policy effective 7/1/21

A complete proposal package needs to be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration by 5 p.m. two business days before the sponsor deadline. If SPA does not receive the required documents by then, please see the Late Proposal Submission Policy

Sponsored Programs Administration in the Office of Research provides extensive support to principal investigators seeking external funding for research and creative scholarship at Kennesaw State University. All proposals for external funding (grants, subawards, contracts, consulting agreements) must be approved by the PI and their chair and dean in Cayuse, KSU's electronic grants management system, PRIOR to proposal submission. Please note that the Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation (KSURSF) is the legal applicant for proposals. The staff works closely with researchers at both the pre- and post-award stages to ensure a seamless operation. 

Please locate your pre-award and post-award contacts on the CONTACT page

For more topic-related information, please review the items on the navigation bar. 

Questions? Email