Comparative Medicine Resources Facility

The Kennesaw State University Comparative Medicine Resources facility located on the Kennesaw campus is responsible for the care of all vertebrate animals used in research.

In collaboration with the KSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), this program is dedicated to excellence in veterinary care and laboratory animal management for all species. In support of this endeavor the program meets and strives to exceed care outlined in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Public Health Service standards and regulations. Kennesaw State University currently holds both a current USDA registration and OLAW Assurance.

black mouse on hand in white glove

About Us

The facility offers flexible, ABSL-2 small animal and rodent housing in support of behavioral and biomedical research. Current infrastructure supports disposable individually ventilated housing units (IVCs). A procedure room located within the facility offers benchtop workspace, in vivo bioluminescence and fluorescence IVIS imaging, and isoflurane anesthetic equipment. Animal care services include daily observations, routine husbandry, and facility maintenance. Veterinary technical services, oral gavage administration, blood collection, tissue sample collection, study and clinical support. Study design, protocol consultation, and clinical support is provided by our Attending Veterinarian. The CMR Facility also offers hands-on handling and research techniques training for investigators, graduate, and undergraduate users associated with faculty research.

Please contact the CMR Facility Manager for more information regarding housing availability, per diem rates, training, and other services!

Contact Us

Phone: 470-578-2790

Click here to request space