2023 - 2024 Academic Calendar
The academic calendar year features a range of events and important dates for KSU's research community. Highlights include RDSI Networking Events focusing on various research thrusts in January, a workshop on AI for research communication in February, the Spring Symposium of Student Scholars in April, and key deadlines for award applications and project proposals.
These events provide valuable opportunities for networking, learning, and showcasing research achievements throughout the KSU school year!
April 2024
- Sunday
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- 1Monday
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- 3Wednesday2024 Supercomputing Researcher Spotlight Series – Part II2:00pmat Academic Learning Center, 2105
Bayesian Statistics is a useful framework for statistical inference that has found widespread application in various fields, including social science and business research. Unlike traditional frequentist statistics, Bayesian statistics incorporates prior knowledge or beliefs into the analysis, allowing for more flexible and nuanced modeling.
Assistant Professor of Quantitative Analysis Dr. Yifan Zhang will deliver the second presentation of this two-part series and will offer a technical introduction to Bayesian computation, delving into the popular Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method and addressing the modern adaptations necessary for handling large datasets. Additionally, it provides tutorials and examples to guide the audience through the process of conducting Bayesian computing leveraging HPC.
- 4Thursday
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- 10Wednesday
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- 15Monday
- 16Tuesday
- 17WednesdaySpring 2024 Symposium of Student Scholars: Oral Presentations & Performances9:00amat Prillaman Health Sciences, 1001, Indoor Plaza
The Symposium of Student Scholars is designed to showcase student research.
We use the following definition of research (adapted from the Council on Undergraduate Research):
A mentored investigation or creative inquiry conducted by students that seeks to make an original scholarly or artistic contribution to knowledge.
We encourage ALL graduate and undergraduate students engaging in research/creative activity during the past year to present their work at the Symposium of Student Scholars, showcasing all of the great projects at KSU.
- 18ThursdaySpring 2024 Symposium of Student Scholars: Poster Presentations & Visual Art Displays9:00amat Convocation Center, East & West Activity Wings
The Symposium of Student Scholars is designed to showcase student research.
We use the following definition of research (adapted from the Council on Undergraduate Research):
A mentored investigation or creative inquiry conducted by students that seeks to make an original scholarly or artistic contribution to knowledge.
We encourage ALL graduate and undergraduate students engaging in research/creative activity during the past year to present their work at the Symposium of Student Scholars, showcasing all of the great projects at KSU.
- 19FridaySpring 2024 Symposium of Student Scholars12:00pm
The Symposium of Student Scholars is designed to showcase student research.
We use the following definition of research (adapted from the Council on Undergraduate Research):
A mentored investigation or creative inquiry conducted by students that seeks to make an original scholarly or artistic contribution to knowledge.
We encourage ALL graduate and undergraduate students engaging in research/creative activity during the past year to present their work at the Symposium of Student Scholars, showcasing all of the great projects at KSU.
- 20Saturday
- 21Sunday
- 22Monday
- 23Tuesday
- 24WednesdaySpring 2024 AI Symposium10:00amat Atrium Building, 215B
Join us for the Spring 2024 edition of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium, hosted by the Applied Technologies Research Community. If you are looking to find collaborators for AI research and want to hear more about AI research taking place at Kennesaw State University, we encourage you to attend this event!
Speakers will include: Dominic Thomas, Dylan Goldbaltt, Honghui Xu, Kazi Aminul Islam, Michael Knighten, Nasrin Dehbozorgi, Prachi Gala, Razvan Voicu, and Simin Nasseri.
- 25Thursday
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May 2024
- Sunday
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- Saturday
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June 2024
- Sunday
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- 10MondayHealth Disparities — Health & Wellness Research Community2:30pm
The Health and Wellness Research Community will host a think tank event on the subject of 'Health Disparities' on June 10 from 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
The Health and Wellness Research Community aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in health research.
By fostering supportive communities for researchers across disciplines, promoting knowledge exchange, and enabling access to internal and external funding, we aim to catalyze quality publications, impactful innovations, and breakthrough solutions that improve health, well-being and equity in our society.
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/health_wellness_health_disparities
- 11Tuesday
- 12Wednesday
- 13Thursday
- 14Friday
- 15Saturday
- 16Sunday
- 17MondayExternal Partners Panel for Faculty2:30pmat Academic Learning Center, Room 5500
Working with external partners can increase the success of your research project and the positive impact of your research over time. However, identifying and building relationships with community-based organizations takes time and effort. Learn from our panelists how to effectively cultivate and nurture these relationships to develop lasting partnerships that benefit all parties.
Monday, June 17, 2:30 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Tracy Styf, Executive Director of the Town Center Community Improvement District (TCCID)
Tyler Reinagel, Associate Vice President of Economic Development
Israel Sanchez-Cardona, Associate Director of the AMES Research Center and Associate Professor of Psychology
Allen Roberts, Geospatial Sciences Program Director, Professor of Geography and Geospatial Sciences, Leadership Team Member for the Greater Atlanta Community Science Collaboratory (GA-CSC)
You can participate in this event by meeting us in the Office of Undergraduate Research Suite, ALC 5500, Kennesaw Campus, or by joining us on Teams (link provided following RSVP submission).
- 18Tuesday
- 19Wednesday
- 20Thursday
- 21Friday
- 22Saturday
- 23Sunday
- 24Monday
- 25Tuesday
- 26WednesdayMental Health — Health & Wellness Research Community11:00am
The Health and Wellness Research Community will host a think tank event on the subject of 'Mental Health' on June 26 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
The Health and Wellness Research Community aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in health research.
By fostering supportive communities for researchers across disciplines, promoting knowledge exchange, and enabling access to internal and external funding, we aim to catalyze quality publications, impactful innovations, and breakthrough solutions that improve health, well-being and equity in our society.
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/health_wellness_mental_health
- 27Thursday
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July 2024
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- 17Wednesday
- 18ThursdaySustainable Communities Think Tank Event1:00pm
The Sustainable Communities Research Community is hosting a virtual think tank event on July 18 to discuss collaborative approaches to various funding opportunities.
Please review the following funding opportunities and follow this link to rank them below based on your interest:
- Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (BoCP) - https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/biodiversity-changing-planet-bocp
- Molecular Foundations for Sustainability: Sustainable Polymers Enabled by Emerging Data Analytics (MFS-SPEED) - https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/molecular-foundations-sustainability-sustainable
- Focus on Recruiting Emerging Climate and Adaptation Scientists and Transformers (NSF 24-558) - https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/focus-recruiting-emerging-climate-adaptation/nsf24-558/solicitation
- Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Foundational and Applied Science Program - https://www.nifa.usda.gov/grants/funding-opportunities/agriculture-food-research-initiative-foundational-applied-science
- FEMA Preparedness Grant - https://www.fema.gov/grants/preparedness
- Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (BoCP) - https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/biodiversity-changing-planet-bocp
- 19FridayAging and Independent Living — Health & Wellness Research Community10:00am
The Health and Wellness Research Community will host a think tank event on the subject of 'Aging and Independent Living' on July 19 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
The Health and Wellness Research Community aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in health research.
By fostering supportive communities for researchers across disciplines, promoting knowledge exchange, and enabling access to internal and external funding, we aim to catalyze quality publications, impactful innovations, and breakthrough solutions that improve health, well-being and equity in our society.
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/health_wellness_aging_independent_living
- 20Saturday
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August 2024
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- 14Wednesday
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- 18Sunday
- 19MondayGEEK WEEK: Sustainable Communities2:00pmat Science Laboratory Building, 1001
Join the Sustainable Communities Research Community for a networking event, where researchers will discover existing projects within our community, network and socialize over refreshments, and make collaborative connections toward the pursuit of future research projects.
The Sustainable Communities Research Community aims to investigate the complexities of social, economic, and environmental interactions at the interface between human and natural landscapes, striving to develop technologies, models and policies that foster community engagement, resource efficiency, and long-term ecological balance.
This event is part of Geek Week, a week filled with networking events aimed at stimulating interdisciplinary research at Kennesaw State University.
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/geek_week_fall_2024
- 20TuesdayGEEK WEEK: Applied Technologies11:00amat Joe Mack Wilson Student Center, A200
Join the Applied Technologies Research Community for a networking event, where researchers will discover existing projects within our community, network and socialize over refreshments, and make collaborative connections toward the pursuit of future research projects.
The Applied Technologies Research Community aims to address the practical application of scientific knowledge and principles for the purpose of solving real-world problems or achieving practical goals.
This event is part of Geek Week, a week filled with networking events aimed at stimulating interdisciplinary research at Kennesaw State University.
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/geek_week_fall_2024
- 21WednesdayGEEK WEEK: Innovative Creativity3:30pmat KSU Center, KC 300
Join the Innovative Creativity Research Community for a networking event, where researchers will discover existing projects within our community, network and socialize over refreshments, and make collaborative connections toward the pursuit of future research projects.
The Innovative Creativity Research Community facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration in the following fields: innovations in creative media and performing arts, modeling and simulation, interactive media, game design, AI in creativity, architectural solutions, and more.
This event is part of Geek Week, a week filled with networking events aimed at stimulating interdisciplinary research at Kennesaw State University.
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/geek_week_fall_2024
- 22ThursdayOffice of Undergraduate Research Open House3:30pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500
The Office of Undergraduate Research is pleased to host an Open House for all members of the KSU community who would like to learn more about undergraduate research.
If you have any questions about undergraduate research then this Open House is for you!
For more information, please visit: https://research.kennesaw.edu/our/open-house.php or RSVP via OwlLife. We look forward to seeing you there!
- 23FridayGEEK WEEK: Health & Wellness11:00amat Clendenin Building, CL 1009
Join the Health & Wellness Research Community for a networking event, where researchers will discover existing projects within our community, network and socialize over refreshments, and make collaborative connections toward the pursuit of future research projects.
The Health & Wellness Research Community aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in health research. By fostering supportive communities for researchers across disciplines, promoting knowledge exchange, and enabling access to internal and external funding, we aim to catalyze quality publications, impactful innovations, and breakthrough solutions that improve health, well-being and equity in our society.
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/geek_week_fall_2024
- 24Saturday
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September 2024
- Sunday
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- 15Sunday
- 16Monday
- 17TuesdaySustainable Communities Fall Social2:00pmat KSU Field Station
Join the Sustainable Communities Research Community as we host our Fall Social at the KSU Field Station! Enjoy farm-to-table snacks, view project demonstrations, and network with fellow collaborators.
- 18Wednesday
- 19ThursdayCoffee & Commercialization8:30amat Clendenin Building, 1000
Join us for coffee to learn how HatchBridge Incubator supports innovation by helping faculty raise funding to start companies!
Research Town Hall – Kennesaw Campus1:00pmat Prillaman Health Sciences, HS1101Hear about the Office of Research’s exciting new initiatives and our approach to the strategic plan. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just getting started, be sure to join us for this discussion on KSU Research!
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/town_hall_fall_2024
- 20FridayGameplay Socialization and Symbolic Interaction in Digital Games11:30amat Prillaman Health Sciences, 2202
Join us as the Innovative Creativity Research Community hosts an installment of its speaker series on Gameplay Socialization and Symbolic Interaction in Digital Games, featuring Dr. David Kirschner.
Dr. Kirschner earned his PhD in sociology in 2014 from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, where he studied how videogame players are socialized into virtual worlds, including how they learn game rules and social norms through interaction with human and non-human others. Kirschner has since explored topics such as virtual reality sickness, gamification and health activism, gender representation in videogame advertisements, the dynamics of multi-player online gaming, sociological perspectives on role-playing games, and both self-directed and social-emotional learning in videogames. Current research projects include exploring communities of practice among artificial intelligences in single-player videogames and assessing student satisfaction of videogame-based learning in the classroom.
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October 2024
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- 7MondayPreparing a Successful IRB Submission1:00pm
This training session is designed to guide researchers through the process of submitting an initial IRB application in Cayuse. Participants will learn how to accurately complete and submit their study protocol for IRB review. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully navigate the Cayuse platform and submit a complete, thorough IRB application. This training is ideal for new researchers or anyone unfamiliar with Cayuse.
Research Town Hall – Marietta Campus1:00pmat Design II Building, 112Hear about the Office of Research’s exciting new initiatives and our approach to the strategic plan. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just getting started, be sure to join us for this discussion on KSU Research!
RSVP Here: https://kennesawstateuniversity-vbzux.formstack.com/forms/town_hall_fall_2024
- 8TuesdayBest Practices in Undergraduate Research Mentoring (Kennesaw Campus)11:00amat Academic Learning Center, 5500
Are you a mentor of undergraduate researchers or interested in becoming one? Then this session is for you! Here are some of the questions we'll examine in this session:
- What is the research on effective mentoring on undergraduate researchers?
- What are some tips to save time while still offering a quality experience to the students?
- What strategies have KSU mentors found effective?
- What resources exist to help undergraduate research mentors be more effective?
This session is appropriate for any faculty member, staff member, postdoctoral researcher, or graduate student who is interested in mentoring undergraduate researchers.
Please visit the website to RSVP!
- 9WednesdayPreparing a Successful IRB Submission1:00pm
This training session is designed to guide researchers through the process of submitting an initial IRB application in Cayuse. Participants will learn how to accurately complete and submit their study protocol for IRB review. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully navigate the Cayuse platform and submit a complete, thorough IRB application. This training is ideal for new researchers or anyone unfamiliar with Cayuse.
Best Practices in Undergraduate Research Mentoring (Marietta Campus)3:30pmat Atrium Building, J-109Are you a mentor of undergraduate researchers or interested in becoming one? Then this session is for you! Here are some of the questions we'll examine in this session:
- What is the research on effective mentoring on undergraduate researchers?
- What are some tips to save time while still offering a quality experience to the students?
- What strategies have KSU mentors found effective?
- What resources exist to help undergraduate research mentors be more effective?
This session is appropriate for any faculty member, staff member, postdoctoral researcher, or graduate student who is interested in mentoring undergraduate researchers.
Please visit the website to RSVP!
- 10Thursday
- 11FridayBest Practices in Undergraduate Research Mentoring (Virtual Session)2:00pm
Are you a mentor of undergraduate researchers or interested in becoming one? Then this session is for you! Here are some of the questions we'll examine in this session:
- What is the research on effective mentoring on undergraduate researchers?
- What are some tips to save time while still offering a quality experience to the students?
- What strategies have KSU mentors found effective?
- What resources exist to help undergraduate research mentors be more effective?
This session is appropriate for any faculty member, staff member, postdoctoral researcher, or graduate student who is interested in mentoring undergraduate researchers.
Please visit the website to RSVP!
- 12Saturday
- 13Sunday
- 14Monday
- 15TuesdayTown Hall on Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)11:00am
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences, or CUREs, provide students with the opportunity to engage in authentic research as part of their coursework. This hands-on approach fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration—essential skills for the future!
Please visit the website to RSVP!
- 16WednesdayManaging Modifications, Incident Reports, and Closures in Cayuse1:00pm
In this training session, participants will learn the essential procedures for managing study modifications, incident reports, and closures using the Cayuse IRB system. This interactive session will cover how to effectively submit modifications when changes occur in a study protocol, report incidents that may impact the safety or integrity of the research, and formally close a study upon completion. Attendees will learn how to navigate through Cayuse, ensuring compliance with IRB requirements, and understanding best practices for maintaining accurate documentation throughout the research lifecycle. This training is ideal for researchers, coordinators, and administrators involved in IRB submissions.
- 17Thursday
- 18Friday
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- 20Sunday
- 21Monday
- 22TuesdayInformed Consent: Best Practices1:00pm
This training session focuses on the fundamental principles and best practices for obtaining informed consent in human subjects research. Researchers will learn how to develop clear, comprehensive consent documents that meet ethical and regulatory standards, and how to effectively communicate study information to participants. Attendees will gain a deep understanding of the informed consent requirements, and practical strategies for fostering trust and transparency with study participants. This training is ideal for researchers seeking to improve their consent process and ensure compliance with federal regulations.
- 23Wednesday
- 24Thursday
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- 28Monday
- 29TuesdayIRB Compliance: Avoiding Common Pitfalls1:00pm
A session that highlights frequent mistakes researchers make in IRB submissions and compliance, offering strategies for avoiding delays.
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November 2024
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- 5TuesdayAn Overview of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) at KSU (Kennesaw Campus)12:30pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500
Are you interested in teaching a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) at KSU? Or are you already teaching a CURE and would like more information on best practices in teaching CUREs? Then this session might be for you. Here are some of the questions we'll examine in this session:
- What is a CURE and what are the benefits of CUREs?
- How can instructors structure a CURE in different disciplines?
- What are some strategies to create an effective CURE while also saving time?
This session is appropriate for any faculty member, staff member, postdoctoral researcher, or graduate student who is interested in mentoring undergraduate researchers in a CURE.
Please visit the website to RSVP!
- 6WednesdayAn Overview of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) at KSU (Marietta Campus)3:30pmat Mathematics Building, D-112
Are you interested in teaching a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) at KSU? Or are you already teaching a CURE and would like more information on best practices in teaching CUREs? Then this session might be for you. Here are some of the questions we'll examine in this session:
- What is a CURE and what are the benefits of CUREs?
- How can instructors structure a CURE in different disciplines?
- What are some strategies to create an effective CURE while also saving time?
This session is appropriate for any faculty member, staff member, postdoctoral researcher, or graduate student who is interested in mentoring undergraduate researchers in a CURE.
Please visit the website to RSVP!
- 7Thursday
- 8FridayAn Overview of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) at KSU (Virtual Session)10:00am
Are you interested in teaching a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) at KSU? Or are you already teaching a CURE and would like more information on best practices in teaching CUREs? Then this session might be for you. Here are some of the questions we'll examine in this session:
- What is a CURE and what are the benefits of CUREs?
- How can instructors structure a CURE in different disciplines?
- What are some strategies to create an effective CURE while also saving time?
This session is appropriate for any faculty member, staff member, postdoctoral researcher, or graduate student who is interested in mentoring undergraduate researchers in a CURE.
Please visit the website to RSVP!
- 9Saturday
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- 11Monday
- 12Tuesday
- 13WednesdayExpanding Perspectives: A Panel on Humanities, Business, Arts, Education, & Social Sciences Research5:30pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500
Are you curious about research opportunities outside of STEM? Join us for a panel discussion that highlights diverse and impactful research paths in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and beyond. Hear from professors and students who have pursued research in these fields and gain insights into how they developed their projects, overcame challenges, and found success. This event is open to all students interested in discovering the wide array of research opportunities available outside traditional STEM disciplines.
Come ready to explore new perspectives, ask questions, and be inspired by the many ways you can engage in research at KSU!
- 14Thursday
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- 18Monday
- 19Tuesday
- 20WednesdayFall 2024 Symposium of Student Scholars: In-Person Oral Presentations9:00amat Joe Mack Wilson Student Center, Ballrooms
The Symposium of Student Scholars is designed to showcase student research. The Fall Edition takes place each fall semester on the Marietta Campus.
All academic college has been allotted a 50-minute timeslot to showcare the top four oral presentation research projects.
The schedule is as follows:
- 9:00am - CACM
- 10:00am - COTA
- 11:00am - SPCEET
- 1:00pm - Heath & Sciences Oral Presentation Hour: featuring presentations by CCSE, CSM & WCHHS
- 2:00pm - RCHSS
Please come support your undergraduate researchers!
- 21ThursdayFall 2024 Symposium of Student Scholars: In-Person Poster Presentations9:00amat Marietta Event Center, Arena Floor
The Symposium of Student Scholars is designed to showcase student research. The Fall Edition takes place each fall semester on the Marietta Campus.
Poster presentations are held in 45-min timeslots, with up to 50 posters per session.
Please come support your undergraduate researchers!
- 22FridayFall 2024 Symposium of Student Scholars: Virtual Presentations12:00pm
The Symposium of Student Scholars is designed to showcase student research. Virtual presentations of all types are held via Microsoft Teams to accommodate more schedules.
The schedule, with each TEAMS link, can be found on the Symposium webpage.
Please come support your undergraduate researchers!
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December 2024
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January 2025
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- 13MondayInsightful Numbers: A Dive Into Data Analysis (Kennesaw/Virtual)3:30pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500
Explore the world of data analytics and its vital role in research at our upcoming workshop. Delve into the intricacies of data analysis and discover the specific analytics techniques essential for effective research. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into data analytics and its significance in research.
- 14Tuesday
- 15WednesdaySummer Undergraduate Research Program: Apply Today!All Day
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is proud of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, which helps support students in full-time research endeavors during the months of June and July.
Selected students will conduct research under the guidance of a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member (Primary Investigator [PI]) at Kennesaw State University. Faculty and students will be paid a stipend in order to work collaboratively on a research project in June and July.
- 16Thursday
- 17Friday
- 18Saturday
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- 20Monday
- 21Tuesday
- 22Wednesday
- 23ThursdayInsightful Numbers: A Dive Into Data Analysis (Marietta)11:00amat Engineering Technology Center, 207
Explore the world of data analytics and its vital role in research at our upcoming workshop. Delve into the intricacies of data analysis and discover the specific analytics techniques essential for effective research. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into data analytics and its significance in research.
- 24FridayUndergraduate Research Mentoring for New Faculty2:00pm
This workshop is designed for new mentors of undergraduate researchers, whether that means you're new to KSU or new to mentoring undergraduate researchers. We will walk you through the basics of undergraduate research and go over the resources and funding available.
- 25Saturday
- 26Sunday
- 27Monday
- 28Tuesday
- 29WednesdayIRB Training: Preparing a Successful IRB Submission11:30am
This training session is designed to guide researchers through the process of submitting an initial IRB application in Cayuse. Participants will learn how to accurately complete and submit their study protocol for IRB review. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully navigate the Cayuse platform and submit a complete, thorough IRB application. This training is ideal for new researchers or anyone unfamiliar with Cayuse.
*Training will be recorded and available following event.
Workshop: PIN Community Research Grants1:30pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500The Partnership for Inclusive Innovation (PIN) offers the Community Research Grant Program to support teams of university researchers and local governments of any size across Georgia and to expand new partnerships across the southeast U.S. The program provides up to $100,000 per project, program management, access to the Partnership’s Summer Internship Program and a network of peers. Alumni cities and counties have successfully implemented their projects and garnered additional funding and technical assistance to continue their project beyond the program period, continuing to serve their residents and meet their community’s goals. They have also garnered national recognition for their projects and served as a model for other communities in addressing similar problems. Projects are focused on addressing a community problem with applied research involving smart technology and/or civic innovation.
In preparation for the next proposal window (2/1/25 through 5/15/25), the Community Research Grant Manager, Katie O’Connor, is coming to Kennesaw State to speak about the program and answer questions. Attendees are encouraged to come prepared to discuss their idea and to bring three copies of a one-page summary of their research project. Research development staff and the AVP of Economic Development, Tyler Reinagel, will also attend to help provide guidance on proposal preparation. Refreshments will be provided.
Learn more about the program here: https://pingeorgia.org/pillars/community-research/research_grants_overview/
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February 2025
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- 4Tuesday
- 5WednesdayIRB Training: Informed Consent — Best Practices11:00am
This training session focuses on the fundamental principles and best practices for obtaining informed consent in human subjects research. Researchers will learn how to develop clear, comprehensive consent documents that meet ethical and regulatory standards, and how to effectively communicate study information to participants. Attendees will gain a deep understanding of the informed consent requirements, and practical strategies for fostering trust and transparency with study participants. This training is ideal for researchers seeking to improve their consent process and ensure compliance with federal regulations.
*Training will be recorded and available following event.
Workshop: CAREER Proposal Prep Program2:00pmCrafting a Strong Argument for the Significance and Impact of Your Project
This program involves a series of one-hour monthly workshops, plus one-hour monthly writing sessions throughout the spring semester followed by a two-day writing retreat in May.
Participants are required to register for events in advance, but sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend in person. Each workshop and writing session will allow ample time for Q&A. Additionally, we have a D2L course with resources specific to writing NSF CAREER proposals available for registered participants.
Monthly workshops will meet via Teams on Wednesdays from 2-3 p.m.
- 6ThursdayHow to Write an Abstract (Kennesaw Campus/Virtual)12:04pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500
Are you not sure where to start when writing an abstract? Or are you confused about what to include in it? We can help! Learn from your peer Ambassadors their tricks for writing the perfect abstract!
- 7FridayWorking with Large Student Research Teams11:00am
Are you a mentor of undergraduate researchers who would like to learn more about how to best mentor large teams of student researchers? Then this workshop is for you! Come learn about the research on effective group processes and learn more about best practices in managing large research teams.
- 8Saturday
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- 17Monday
- 18TuesdayHow to Write an Abstract (Marietta Campus)10:00amat Atrium Building, 152
Are you not sure where to start when writing an abstract? Or are you confused about what to include in it? We can help! Learn from your peer Ambassadors their tricks for writing the perfect abstract!
IRB Training: IRB Compliance — Avoiding Common Pitfalls11:30amA session that highlights frequent mistakes researchers make in IRB submissions and compliance, offering strategies for avoiding delays.
*Training will be recorded and available following event.
- 19Wednesday
- 20Thursday
- 21FridayKSU Sports Innovation Hackathon5:15pmat Joe Mack Wilson Student Center
The Kennesaw State University Office of Research in collaboration with the College of Computing and Software Engineering (CCSE) is leading an interdisciplinary Sports Innovation Hackathon bringing together students from across campus to solve problems in the following categories:
- Fan Engagement
- Athlete Experience
- Gameday Operations
Students will form into teams (max 4 students) and have from Friday to Sunday to research, investigate, and build an effective solution which they will submit to a panel of academic and industry judges.
- 22Saturday
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- 1Saturday
March 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1Saturday
- 2Sunday
- 3MondayIRB Training: Managing Modifications, Incident Reports, and Closures in Cayuse11:30am
In this training session, participants will learn the essential procedures for managing study modifications, incident reports, and closures using the Cayuse IRB system. This interactive session will cover how to effectively submit modifications when changes occur in a study protocol, report incidents that may impact the safety or integrity of the research, and formally close a study upon completion. Attendees will learn how to navigate through Cayuse, ensuring compliance with IRB requirements, and understanding best practices for maintaining accurate documentation throughout the research lifecycle. This training is ideal for researchers, coordinators, and administrators involved in IRB submissions.
*Training will be recorded and available following event.
- 4TuesdayInterdisciplinary Research Teams with Students3:30pm
This workshop is for mentors whose research is interdisciplinary; thus, the team members come from diverse disciplines. Learn more about how to effectively lead interdisciplinary teams in this session.
- 5WednesdayWorkshop: CAREER Proposal Prep Program2:00pm
Elements of a Strong Education Plan
This program involves a series of one-hour monthly workshops, plus one-hour monthly writing sessions throughout the spring semester followed by a two-day writing retreat in May.
Participants are required to register for events in advance, but sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend in person. Each workshop and writing session will allow ample time for Q&A. Additionally, we have a D2L course with resources specific to writing NSF CAREER proposals available for registered participants.
Monthly workshops will meet via Teams on Wednesdays from 2-3 p.m.
- 6Thursday
- 7Friday
- 8Saturday
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- 10Monday
- 11Tuesday
- 12Wednesday
- 13Thursday
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- 15Saturday
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- 17Monday
- 18TuesdayPoster Making 101 (Marietta Campus)11:00amat Academic Building, 323
Do you need help creating academic posters for the Symposium of Student Scholars or professional events? The peer ambassadors are here to help! Join us to learn tips and tricks for making a stellar poster that catches people's attention!
- 19WednesdayNavigating Academic Conferences (Kennesaw Campus/Virtual)3:30pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500
Discover the essentials of academic conferences at our workshop. Learn their purpose, the benefits of attending, and effective strategies for maximizing your time. Gain insights into conference navigation, including attire, networking tips, and essential items to bring—all valuable skills for your participation in the Symposium of Student Scholars.
- 20ThursdayNavigating Academic Conferences (Marietta)12:00pmat Atrium Building, 202
Discover the essentials of academic conferences at our workshop. Learn their purpose, the benefits of attending, and effective strategies for maximizing your time. Gain insights into conference navigation, including attire, networking tips, and essential items to bring—all valuable skills for your participation in the Symposium of Student Scholars.
- 21Friday
- 22Saturday
- 23Sunday
- 24MondayPoster Making 101 (Kennesaw Campus/Virtual)5:00pmat Academic Learning Center, 5500
Do you need help creating academic posters for the Symposium of Student Scholars or professional events? The peer ambassadors are here to help! Join us to learn tips and tricks for making a stellar poster that catches people's attention!
- 25Tuesday
- 26WednesdayFearless Presenter: Mastering Talks with Confidence (Marietta Campus)11:30amat Engineering Technology Center, 206
With the Symposium of Student Scholars coming up in April it is important for students to know how to create a variety of presentations. We will show you how to build power point presentations and oral presentations.
- 27Thursday
- 28FridayFearless Presenter: Mastering Talks with Confidence- Kennesaw Campus/Virtual11:30amat Academic Learning Center, 5500
With the Symposium of Student Scholars coming up in April it is important for students to know how to create a variety of presentations. We will show you how to build PowerPoint presentations and oral presentations.
- 29Saturday
- 30Sunday
- 31Monday
- 1Tuesday
- 2Wednesday
- 3Thursday
- 4Friday
- 5Saturday