Roadmap to Success

This roadmap guides kennesaw state university's vision to be a top-tier research institution. The Roadmap to Success is dedicated to the advancement of our faculty, students and staff who are at the epicenter of our educational mission. These goals and objectives are designed to promote pedagogical excellence, research advancement, professional development, transformative learning, community engagement, and a vibrant campus culture.


Advance Community and Culture

GOALS: A Focus on Partnerships and Connections

  • Nurture a welcoming campus climate, a sense of belonging, and a broad marketplace of ideas.
  • Strengthen KSU engagement with external organizations to include corporations, boards, governments, and community partners.
  • Advance athletic, artistic, and educational programming to engage the community with campus events and activities.
  • Foster mutually beneficial collaborations to increase annual growth in KSU’s economic impact on the region.


  • Offer inclusivity training for the campus community.
  • Host community impact events to celebrate partners, nonprofits, and public officials.
  • Improve Athletics facilities and advance the Athletics Master Plan.
  • Identify and engage in opportunities to enhance the visibility of KSU.

Enhance Undergraduate Educational Experiences

GOALS: An Impactful Learning Environment

  • Attain first-year retention rate of 82% by 2025.
  • Achieve six-year graduation rate of 60% by 2025.
  • Provide unique educational opportunities.


  •  Strategically advance the impact of advising.
  • Improve class accessibility.
  • Increase external funding for scholarships.
  • Incentivize the Honors program.
  • Empower college-level accountability for student success.

Grow Graduate Programs and Enrollment

GOALS: A Highly Educated Workforce

  • Increase graduate program enrollment to 10% of KSU student population by Fall 2028.
  • Align graduate programs to areas of strategic emphasis and growth.
  • Ensure graduate students, faculty, and programs are institutionally prioritized and adequately resourced.


  • Strategically develop new graduate degree programs in alignment with targeted research and academic priorities.
  • Enhance infrastructure to manage graduate research and teaching assistants and admissions processes.
  • Develop strategic initiatives to promote and populate Double Owl Pathways.

Promote Interdisciplinary Research with Relevance

GOALS: A Commitment to New Knowledge and Discovery

  • Target research productivity goals, including increasing research expenditures and activity by 20% per year.
  • Build a strong and sustainable infrastructure to support research.


  • Identify targeted research areas of excellence for KSU in partnership with university and community stakeholders.
  • Sustain and expand programming to encourage faculty and students to collaboratively engage in research.
  • Support the advancement of entrepreneurship and innovation opportunities arising from research and discovery.