Advance Community and Culture
GOALS: A Focus on Partnerships and Connections
- Nurture a welcoming campus climate, a sense of belonging, and a broad marketplace
of ideas.
- Strengthen KSU engagement with external organizations to include corporations, boards,
governments, and community partners.
- Advance athletic, artistic, and educational programming to engage the community with
campus events and activities.
- Foster mutually beneficial collaborations to increase annual growth in KSU’s economic impact on the region.
- Offer inclusivity training for the campus community.
- Host community impact events to celebrate partners, nonprofits, and public officials.
- Improve Athletics facilities and advance the Athletics Master Plan.
- Identify and engage in opportunities to enhance the visibility of KSU.
Enhance Undergraduate Educational Experiences
GOALS: An Impactful Learning Environment
- Attain first-year retention rate of 82% by 2025.
- Achieve six-year graduation rate of 60% by 2025.
- Provide unique educational opportunities.
- Strategically advance the impact of advising.
- Improve class accessibility.
- Increase external funding for scholarships.
- Incentivize the Honors program.
- Empower college-level accountability for student success.
Grow Graduate Programs and Enrollment
GOALS: A Highly Educated Workforce
- Increase graduate program enrollment to 10% of KSU student population by Fall 2028.
- Align graduate programs to areas of strategic emphasis and growth.
- Ensure graduate students, faculty, and programs are institutionally prioritized and
adequately resourced.
- Strategically develop new graduate degree programs in alignment with targeted research
and academic priorities.
- Enhance infrastructure to manage graduate research and teaching assistants and admissions
- Develop strategic initiatives to promote and populate Double Owl Pathways.
Promote Interdisciplinary Research with Relevance
GOALS: A Commitment to New Knowledge and Discovery
- Target research productivity goals, including increasing research expenditures and
activity by 20% per year.
- Build a strong and sustainable infrastructure to support research.
- Identify targeted research areas of excellence for KSU in partnership with university
and community stakeholders.
- Sustain and expand programming to encourage faculty and students to collaboratively
engage in research.
- Support the advancement of entrepreneurship and innovation opportunities arising from
research and discovery.