Helping to Plan KSU's Athletics Programs

The Provost's Athletics Oversight Council (PAOC) plays a vital role in overseeing the integrity and governance of KSU's athletics programs. Serving as an advisory body to the Provost, PAOC ensures compliance with NCAA regulations, maintains institutional control, and upholds academic integrity in athletics. The Council, comprising faculty, administrators, student-athletes, and community members, meets regularly to review policies, oversee strategic planning, and support student-athlete success.

The Provost's Athletics Oversight Council (PAOC) assists the University Provost with:

  • Maintaining Institutional Control of Athletics
  • Assuring the Academic Integrity of Athletics' policies and practices
  • Ensuring Compliance with NCAA Rules


  • Approved by the Faculty Senate on April 9, 2007
  • Amended by the Council, November 14, 2012
  • Amendments approved by University Council, December 4, 2017
  • Name change and new bylaws adopted, April 30, 2020




The primary role of the KSU Provost's Athletics Oversight Council (PAOC) is to serve as an advisory group to the Provost concerning the intercollegiate athletics program, including providing oversight on strategic and budget planning and implementation, reviewing policies and practices of the department, and sustaining the academic integrity of the university. PAOC also reports, at least annually, to the University Council and to other university shared governance bodies as requested and as schedules permit.

Rules of Operation

A quorum of KSU PAOC and all its sub-committees shall consist of a simple majority of the voting members. If faculty members are in a minority at any meeting, the majority of faculty members present, as well as a majority of all members present, must support any motion for it. Beyond this provision to assure faculty consent, the Council and its sub-committees shall operate according to Robert’s Rules of Order, unless those rules are suspended by a two-thirds majority vote.

  • The Council will meet at least quarterly; additional meetings may be called by the Chair or by the Provost when necessary.
  • Teaching Faculty (6 voting members)

    • (1) Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) to the NCAA,  Council Chair; appointed by KSU President
    • (5) Faculty Representatives, each elected by the KSU Faculty Senate; do not have to be senators;
    • No more than one faculty representative selected per college.
    • At least one faculty representative from each campus.

    Administrators (5 voting members)

    • (1) Athletic Director
    • (1) VP for Student Affairs or designee
    • (1) Athletic Department Senior Woman Administrator
    • (1) Associate Athletics Director of Compliance
    • (1) Assistant Athletics Director of Student-Athlete Success Services

    KSU Students (3 voting members)

    • (2) Student Athletes, appointed by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, one from a men’s sport and one from a women’s sport (1 semester term)
    • (1) Student, elected by Student Government Association (1year term)

    Community Member (1 voting member)

    • (1) Alumni or other community member appointed by the Provost (optional)

    Ex-officio members (non-voting)

    • (1) Provost or designee
    • (2) Chief Business Officer or designee
  • Policies