Destination: England

KENNESAW, Ga. | Jun 25, 2019

MEBUS students take noteworthy trip

Each semester, Kennesaw State University students participate in faculty-led education abroad programs to enhance their studies and gather perspective from nearly 40 countries worldwide. This summer is no different, as KSU’s Division of Global Affairs offers more than 50 programs covering a myriad of disciplines.

Students in the Joel A. Katz Music and Entertainment Business (MEBUS) Program recently took their sixth annual education abroad trip to London. Students and faculty explored the city’s rich musical heritage from the perspective of the entertainment business, including visits to the Royal Albert Hall, Universal Music Group, Abbey Road Studios and Tileyard Studios. Students engaged in developing digital marketing strategies inside the Sony Entertainment boardroom to launch emerging artists, and learning from top Sony executives including Simon Cowell's marketing team.

MEBUS student Dani Klekot said that “this trip really brought all of our course lessons to life.” Klekot, a senior public relations major, explained how her time in London provided invaluable experience for a career in the music industry.

Education Abroad - England

Why was it so important for you to participate in an education abroad program?

“Since I want to go into the music industry, it is important to me that I travel to as many places as I can to learn about the different cultures that impact music around the world. It is also important to learn about how audiences in different countries consume music. I love seeing the general culture of other places — what they wear, what they eat, daily routines. I think it’s important to having a broader understanding and perspective in life.”

Why did you choose this particular education abroad program?

“I’ve had a passion for music and entertainment since a very young age. When I found the Joel A. Katz Music and Entertainment Business Program at Kennesaw State, I immediately knew I was meant to have a career in the industry. The struggle for me has been deciding exactly which avenue of the business to pursue, and I had heard from friends that this trip was a catalyst in their self-discovery. With opportunities to tour and interact with professionals from Sony Music and Universal Music Group, as well as explore the music-rich culture England has to offer, I was confident that this trip was exactly what I wanted — and needed.”

Education Abroad - England

What was the best part of your education abroad experience?

“The best part of the trip for me was the Discovery 2 Showcase, where Ed Sheeran was first discovered. Discovery 2 is a monthly event spotlighting four emerging acts in London. What made it so special was that our program got to be involved with the event. One of our group assignments was to create a marketing campaign and promotional plan for each of the acts, and I had the privilege of working with a female acoustic duo by the name of Me and Deboe. After hours of research, getting a sense of who they are and creating ideas for them, I gained a sense of connection and dedication to promoting these two incredibly talented women. This made the actual event all the more exciting. Watching them play, then speaking with them and having them express appreciation for our marketing ideas was all very rewarding.”

What did you learn and how did that add to your overall KSU experience?

“Touring all of these different companies really opened my eyes to the fact that many jobs in the music and entertainment industry overlap within a company and, with that, the positions within one company can vary from another. I realized that, as I enter the field, I should be looking more at the description of a job rather than the title. This has encouraged me to take a broader range of courses at KSU to acquire knowledge and skills in all of my areas of interest.”

What advice would you give to other students who are interested in studying abroad?

“My advice would be to just go for it! If money is an issue, pick up more hours at work if you can and definitely apply for every scholarship you can because it is worth it. I hear a lot of students express that they’ll travel once they are out of school, but education abroad programs provide you with the best value. This is also the time to travel, as these years are vital to self-realization and exploration before starting careers and families. Go, soak in every moment of it, and you won’t regret it.”

– Paul Floeckher

Photos submitted

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A leader in innovative teaching and learning, Kennesaw State University offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees to its more than 47,000 students. Kennesaw State is a member of the University System of Georgia with 11 academic colleges. The university’s vibrant campus culture, diverse population, strong global ties and entrepreneurial spirit draw students from throughout the country and the world. Kennesaw State is a Carnegie-designated doctoral research institution (R2), placing it among an elite group of only 7 percent of U.S. colleges and universities with an R1 or R2 status. For more information, visit