Part of Berlin Wall on Kennesaw State campus (AJC)

KENNESAW, Ga. | Sep 10, 2018

Q: I heard part of the Berlin Wall is in Cobb County. If so, where is it?

A: The 10-foot tall, 2.7-ton structure is on display at Kennesaw State University. This part of the Berlin Wall is outside the College of Humanities and Social Sciences building on the the Kennesaw campus, off Campus Loop Road and Bartow Avenue.

Students rush between classes and spend time studying next to the wall, but few know its history or even realize it is on campus.

A professor recently asked 220 communication students in the Social Sciences building if they knew where the Berlin Wall was located on campus. About 30 said they knew it was 28 steps outside the building they were in.

For the full story, click here.

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