Examples for Learning Experiences in IRML
The lesson plans below have been collaboratively created by the Interactive Research Methods Lab's Team, and colleagues interested in using the lab in their own courses. They can be used as examples of the different learning experiences that can be conducted in the IRML.
Lesson Plan for Students Taking EDSM 8901(Graduate)
Lesson Plan for Mathematics Identities and Belongingness Group (Undergraduate)
Lesson Plan for Students Taking HS 4900: Senior Capstone (Bachelor of Science in Human Services) (Undergraduate)
Lesson Plan for Students Taking EDRS 9300: Conceptual Frameworks & Research Design (Graduate)
Lesson Plan for Students Taking EDL 9330: Comparative Education (Graduate)
Lesson Plan for Students Taking EDRS 9100: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (Graduate)
Lesson Plan for Black Students Matter Group (undergraduate)
Lesson Plan for Students Taking ARCH 4117 (undergraduate)
Lesson Plan: Woodstock High School Scientific Research Seminar
Lesson Plan River Ridge High School
Lesson Plan: Integrative Biology Seminar (BIOL 7500)
Lesson Plan: MGE Undergraduate Students | Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE)
Lesson Plan: Daniell Middle School | STEM
Lesson Plan: Daniell Middle School | Social Studies
Lesson Plan: The Leap Year Fellows
Lesson Plan | Pope High School (Globalization)
Lesson Plan for Students Taking ARCH 4117 (undergraduate) (V2)
Lesson Plan for Induction & Mentor teachers at Paulding County School District