Imagine Healing Initiative

black and white art piece of a human hand holding a item.
Imagine Healing is a research initiative promoted by the Interactive Research Methods Lab, dedicated to sharing the powerful connection of healing, art and aesthetic experiences. We are currently working with our community in the development of a theoretical model and a practical tool based on somatic experiencing, that aims at empowering individuals (particularly youth) in creating their own healing stories. Imagine Healing reaches into the community, collaborating, getting stronger, and creating change heard around the world.

Mission and Vision

  • We are dedicated to sharing the powerful connection of healing, art and aesthetic experiences. We are deeply committed to rigorous research design and practice. We are visionaries who want to help add a drop of support to those in need. 
  • We believe we learn from every voice and that every individual deserves the opportunity to access support systems and connect to positive community. 
  • We want to empower others in creating their own healing stories. We stand against all forms of oppression and are deeply committed to the development of tools and opportunities for all to engage in collaborative healing practices for themselves and their communities.
    • Support for mental and physical health is the absolute priority. 
    • Research breaks bounds of disciplines and borders of institutions in building the most exceptional team empowered by the process and ignited by the passion.
    • The museum is a healing hub for students, faculty, staff, and our community. 
    • The largest recovery center on any college campus is celebrated as a point of deep pride.
    • Says to the young person who struggled through school feeling unsupported, we hear you and we want to celebrate the mark you leave and do better because you were here.
    • That joins resources to better support those in need.  
    • Models support for healing for all--not as an office, a research agenda or a discipline, but a way of life..  
    • An Initiative that reaches into the community, collaborating, getting stronger, and creating change heard around the world.


Participating IRML Team Members: Dr. April Munson & Dr. Iván Jorrín-Abellán (in collaboration with Donna Krueger from dk Gallery)

Timeline: 2021-2022

Budget: Seeking funding

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