Retaking Coursework
Federal regulations define how financial aid can be used for classes taken more than once. In order for Repeat Coursework Policy to apply, the course must apply to the program of study.
You CAN receive financial aid:
- To repeat a course that has already been passed (D- or higher) only one additional time. Any repeated attempts after that will not be eligible for financial aid. Note that this applies even if you earn a failing grade (F).
- As many times as necessary to repeat a course in which the only previous grade earned has been a failing grade (F).
- Even if a passing grade has been earned for certain repeat courses, such as Band or thesis hours, due to different subject content being studied in each term.
All courses previously taken, even if financial aid was not used, are compared against the current semester to determine if it is a repeated class and whether it can be paid for using financial aid. Your financial aid may be recalculated if you take a class that is not eligible for financial aid. This policy does not provide exceptions if the repeat courses are taken to meet plan of study grade requirements, i.e. a grade of C or higher must be earned to count towards your major.