Training Opportunities

The Office of Emergency Management offers emergency preparedness training on a multitude of topics designed to enhance preparedness and safety on campus.  Courses are free and available to all KSU students, staff, and faculty. View and register for our currently scheduled courses below.

Course Schedule

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Personal Disaster Preparedness June 3, 2025 12:00PM - 1:00PM Microsoft Teams


Course List

  • This course describes the Office of Emergency Management structure and mission. This includes emergency notification, integration with the Department of Public Safety and University Police, and the capabilities of the Office of Emergency Management. In addition, this course reviews the Crisis Coordinator program, including the training regimen, expectations, equipment, and history of the program. (Crisis Coordinator Basic Certification Course)

  • What would you do if you received a bomb threat in your building or area? During the 2011-2012 academic year that there were 133 bomb threats at institutions of higher education. This course examines how KSU would respond to a bomb threat and handle the many types of threats that may occur. You, too, would likely have a role in this process! This class discusses the types of threats, how and when to evacuate, as well as how to conduct searches for suspicious packages. A short demonstration with one of our K9 units is included.
  • One in three persons will have an experience with fire during his or her lifetime. Are you sure you know what to do in case of fire? Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher? Do you know when not to use an extinguisher? This fast-paced program will help you make better choices in emergency situations at work and at home. You will also learn some basic tips to reduce the likelihood of a fire in your work area or home. Topics covered in this course include: Fire Science, Fire Suppression Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, Electrical Safety, Safe Storage Practices, Fire Extinguishers, and Emergency Preparedness. (Crisis Coordinator Basic Certification Course)
  • An "active shooter" is an armed individual who has attacked with deadly force one or more persons, and who will continue to randomly seek out and kill as many people as possible. Active shooter situations can occur anywhere, even on a university campuses. This class will help prepare people on response options during the critical first five minutes of an active shooter incident. (Crisis Coordinator Basic Certification Course)
  • Faculty, especially after hours and weekend instructional faculty, are often the first person who must deal with an emergency inside the classroom. This short online class will provide them with a basic overview of what kinds of emergencies to expect and how to respond until professional first responders arrive. Fire, Medical Emergencies, Severe Weather, and Active Threats are just some of the incidents that will be discussed. The class will also cover available resources, emergency contact information, and new technologies designed to make campus more prepared.
  • Provide personnel with the background and template for building departmental continuity of operations plans. The COOP plan is designed to address the immediate aftermath, short-term and long-term with focus on continuing essential functions, which would become extremely important in the event of a catastrophic event that would disable their building for an extended time period. Participants will learn how to conduct a hazard analysis and identify and prioritize departmental essential functions, including vital records, systems and equipment.
  • The Office of Emergency Management offers the American Heart Association's CPR/AED Training. This course is free for all Kennesaw State University students, staff, and faculty.
  • Crime Prevention is everyone's job on campus; be a part of the solution. Learn what crimes are more prevalent at KSU and what you can do about it. Participants will learn about specific crime prevention tips that they can take to protect themselves on campus and to better secure their work environment. Participants will also learn more about other KSU Police services designed to help maintain a safe campus environment. 
  • This course presents an overview of the psychology of critical incidents, addresses stress management techniques, how to work with survivor's trauma, and outlines the importance of a well-rounded approach to stress management before, during, and after a critical incident.
  • Should you open up that link? What is phishing? Am I being scammed? What can I do to prevent a computer virus that would not only effect my computer, but the entire campus network? Learn the basics of information security to prevent a computer virus, information security breach and common sense problems associated with the internet. You'll learn how to recognize problems before they happen! Backing up data and other important ways to remain operational will also be discussed. This 75 minute class is taught each October by University Information Technology Services (UITS) during National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
  • Discusses concealment techniques and the indicators that a person may be carrying a weapon. Learn different screening techniques, how to apply those techniques, and what procedures should be followed if a weapon is suspected. This class also examines laws and rules behind concealed carrying of weapons on a college campus.
  • Emergency Response Operations reviews the basic emergency responses as outlined in the Kennesaw State Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). This includes evacuation, shelter-in-place, secure-in-place, and response expectations for the Crisis Coordinators in each facility. This class can be tailored for individual departments and offices. (Crisis Coordinator Basic Certification Course)
  • ICS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

    fema training page
  • This course, taught by the National Weather Service, describes how to recognize weather structures that indicate the potential for severe weather. Additionally, this course describes the types of weather phenomena that the NWS would like to receive reports from the public on, including damage, hail size, wind speed, and rain totals.
  • This course outlines personal and community preparedness techniques that can be adopted and implemented to improve your personal preparedness for a disaster both at home and at work. Topics covered include potential hazards, creating a personal disaster "go bag", techniques to improve your personal awareness of potential disasters, and some basic response options.
  • The two-way radio class teaches basic radio procedures and techniques for operating and maintaining the device during routine and emergency situations. Also learn about basic maintenance and care for your issued radio. (Crisis Coordinator Basic Certification Course)
  • Learn the difference between Severe Thunderstorm Warnings, Tornado Watches and Tornado Warnings. More importantly, learn what to look for, and then what to do if a storm is heading your way. Class attendees will also learning about lightning, straight line wind, winter weather and more.
  • Each semester, one or two "special topics" courses will be added to the electives courses within the training program. These courses will be delivered based on current threats, concerns, and past incidents. Information about these courses are disseminated through the Crisis Coordinator email and OwlTrain on a regular basis.
  • The ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding in someone who is injured and effectively assist that person can save a life. Studies have shown that the help given by an immediate responder can often make the difference between life and death, even before medical professionals arrive. This class trains individuals on how to provide vital initial response to stop uncontrolled bleeding in emergency situations; the course gives participants the necessary tools to become an empowered initial responder.  During Stop the Bleed training, you will learn how to:

    • Determine if an area is safe for you to proceed toward a victim to provide assistance
    • Identify any nearby tools to assist you such as a publicly placed bleeding control kit or everyday items that can be used to control bleeding.
    • Use your hands to apply direct pressure at the site of the wound to stop bleeding
    • Pack a deep wound with cloth or gauze to control bleeding
    • Correctly apply a tourniquet to an injured limb to stop bleeding
    • Keep the victim calm until help arrives 
  • KSU strives to promote a culture of safety, support and care. This class will provide information on how to identify and work with student in distress, basics of conflict resolution and de-escalation, and measure you can take to support those impacted by a crisis, including KSU’s Behavioral Response Team process.
  • Terrorism and other forms of violent crime headline the news on a somewhat regular basis! "See Something, Say Something" is a national campaign that raises public awareness regarding suspicious behavior and activity. The problem is, "What constitutes 'suspicious' and who should you report it to?" This class will discuss terrorist indicators, suspicious behavior, situational awareness, baseline environments, and environmental anomalies. Be part of the solution.
  • Regardless of whether you are going on an exotic overseas vacation or planning a sabbatical into the far corners of the earth, you should be prepared BEFORE leaving the United States. Be informed about safety and security issues, crime, health, and travel tips. Learn what and who to avoid and common sense steps to make your travel enjoyable and safe. This class is co-taught by Emergency Management and Health Services.
  • Life-threatening emergencies can happen fast. Emergency responders aren't always nearby. You may be able to save a life by taking simple actions immediately. You Are the Help Until Help Arrives! Learn how to help potentially save a life in this class. Topics include bleeding control, recovery positioning, and providing comfort and care to someone after an emergency.
  • This class will outline the basic response options recommended by the Office of Emergency Management to various potential events. We will discuss the how, why, and nuances of how these actions can be implemented by KSU students, faculty, and staff. This class will also provide a "peek behind the curtain" at how the University at large operates to keep KSU safe. 
  • This course focuses on preparing for the impacts of winter weather and provides essential knowledge and practical tips for staying safe (and warm!) during the winter season. Topics include categories of winter weather products (watches, advisories, warnings), winter precipitation (sleet, freezing rain, snow), winter weather forecasting, and strategies for planning ahead.
  • Numerous free, online training opportunities are available through FEMA, the Georgia Public Safety Training Center, National Center for Disaster Prepardness, and more.