Content Organization for Professional Development Pages of the DLI Website

In an effort to make the DLI website as comprehensive as we can, we want to know what you think!

This webpage is divided into three sections broken up by headers with the text for each question based on different layout options. Examine each of the options below, and then make your selection and explain your choice for each one using the feedback form.

Thank you for your participation!

Complete the Form

Question One: Which layout is best for Learning Outcomes?

Enhance your course delivery skills with our professional development resources designed for various instructional modalities. Explore effective strategies and digital technologies through infographics, checklists, and a short course, helping you to create engaging learning environments at Kennesaw State and provide constructive feedback across multiple formats.

Learning Outcomes Listed (Layout One)

These professional development resources will help you to

  1. Apply an instructional design model (ie. Gagne's Nine Events) to course facilitation.  
  2. Explore effective course facilitation strategies within various sustainable course design delivery formats such as asynchronous online, synchronous online, flipped hybrid, technology-enhanced f2f, and hyflex.  
  3. Explore ways to use digital technology and the learning management system to facilitate learning in various modalities.
  4. Examine instructional strategies to engage learners in multiple modalities.
  5. Utilize appropriate grading tools to provide constructive feedback to students (ie. checklists, rubrics, peer assessment, etc.).

Learning Outcomes Hidden (Layout Two)

    1. Apply an instructional design model (ie. Gagne's Nine Events) to course facilitation. 
    2. Explore effective course facilitation strategies within various sustainable course design delivery formats such as asynchronous online, synchronous online, flipped hybrid, technology-enhanced f2f, and hyflex. 
    3. Explore ways to use digital technology and the learning management system to facilitate learning in various modalities.
    4. Examine instructional strategies to engage learners in multiple modalities.
    5. Utilize appropriate grading tools to provide constructive feedback to students (ie. checklists, rubrics, peer assessment, etc.).




Question Two: Which layout is best for individual descriptions?

  • Instructional Strategies & Digital Technology Across Modalities Infographics


    To provide faculty with a list of instructional strategies and technologies to use across multiple modalities

    Learning Outcomes

    • Explore effective course facilitation strategies within various sustainable course design delivery formats such as asynchronous online, synchronous online, flipped hybrid, technology-enhanced f2f, and hyflex.
    • Explore ways to use digital technology and the learning management system to facilitate learning in various modalities. 

    Resource Type


    Average Time

    2 minutes

    View Infographic

  • Multimodal Course Facilitation Checklist

    View Reference Guide

  • Effective Instructional Strategies Across Multiple Modalities


    To provide KSU faculty with effective instructional strategies to apply across multiple modalities.

    Learning Outcomes

    #2, #4, #5

    Resource Type

    Self-Directed Module

    Average Time

    60 Minutes

    Complete Self-Directed Module




Question Three: Which organizational structure is best?

Items categorized by Resource Type (Layout One)

Reference Materials / How-To Guides

  • Description

    To provide faculty with a list of instructional strategies and technologies to use across multiple modalities.

    Learning Outcomes

    #2, #3

    Resource Type


    Average Time

    2 minutes

    View Infographic
  • Description

    Create an engaging learning environment that meets the needs of all learners.

    Learning Outcomes

    #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

    Resource Type

    Reference Guide

    Average Time

    2 Minutes


    View Reference Guide


Self-Directed Module

  • Description

    To provide KSU faculty with effective instructional strategies to apply across multiple modalities.

    Learning Outcomes

    #2, #4, #5

    Resource Type

    Self-Directed Module

    Average Time

    60 Minutes

Items categorized by Time Commitment (Layout Two)

Quick Help: Under One Hour

  • Description

    To provide faculty with a list of instructional strategies and technologies to use across multiple modalities.

    Learning Outcomes

    #2, #3

    Resource Type


    Average Time

    2 minutes

  • Description

    Create an engaging learning environment that meets the needs of all learners.

    Learning Outcomes

    #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

    Resource Type

    Reference Guide

    Average Time

    2 Minutes


    View Reference Guide

Learn More: One to Seven Hours

  • Description

    To provide KSU faculty with effective instructional strategies to apply across multiple modalities.

    Learning Outcomes

    #2, #4, #5

    Resource Type

    Self-Directed Module

    Average Time

    60 Minutes