Ensure Compliance with KSU Regulations

Our resources seek to provide essential forms and tools related to outside activities and conflict of interest policies at KSU. It includes links to job aids for both requestors and approvers, as well as a glossary of key terms relevant to USG and KSU policies.

Whether you’re a faculty member, a direct report, or in a leadership position, these organizational forms and definitions will guide you through the necessary steps to ensure compliance with university regulations regarding outside work and conflicts of interest.

A hand holding two wooden figures, one green and one red representing resources for conflict of interest/.

Conflict of Interest Policies Glossary

The following definitions apply specifically to the BOR and KSU policies:

  • Any payment, deferred payment, equity, or deferred equity provided in exchange for the expectation that the faculty member will perform work or services for the benefit of the outside payer.

    Compensation does not include standard Honoraria.
  • Any payments given for professional or voluntary services that are rendered nominally without charge, and any payments in recognition of these services typically forbids a price to be set.

    See Gratuities for guidance on accepting expense reimbursement from outside parties.
  • Teaching, research, clinical practice, service, administrative duties, and other appropriate duties assigned by the institution to the faculty member.
  • Professional activities or affiliations traditionally undertaken by faculty outside of the immediate institution employment context but where the faculty member represents the institution and his or her affiliation to it.

    Secondary Responsibilities may or may not entail the receipt of Honoraria, remuneration, or the reimbursement of expenses.
  • Any activity for compensation other than primary responsibilities or secondary responsibilities that a faculty member may engage in that:

    1. is based upon professional knowledge, experience, and abilities of the faculty member that relate to the faculty member’s expertise or responsibilities as a USG faculty member

    2. is performed for any business, self-employment, or public or private entity other than his or her institution.

  • As defined in accordance with Section 3.2 Faculties, and includes full-time research and extension personnel and duly certified librarians on the basis of comparable training.