Bilingual Cross-Cultural Education and Biliteracy Specialist, National EL Program
Consultant, Policy Advisor and Author
Founder, New Horizons In Education-EduTrainers
Jo grew up in a Spanish-speaking family that faced the many obstacles that farm working, non-English speaking families experience. As a “limited English speaker,” during her childhood, she became the first in her family to learn English, but even so she found herself excluded in school because she spoke Spanish, educators and students did not value or understand her culture, and also due to her family’s socioeconomic status. As a result, Jo truly understands the complexities and multiple variables that surround your Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners and their families. While some people view cultural and linguistic differences as deficits, Jo sees them as asset-based superpowers. She proudly tells fellow educators, students and policy makers, “I, like your students, am a Bilingual-Biliterate-Bicultural-Bicognitive learner. These superpowers serve as my foundation, and they influence and inform my message, methods and materials.”
Jo’s parents instilled in her the guiding principle to always be of service – para servir. Because of her background and parents’ guiding principle, she is committed to be of service to all who attend her professional learning experiences, participate in personalized coaching sessions, and seek her counsel.
Teaching Experience
Jo began her teaching career as a Bilingual Education instructional assistant. She then served as a K-12 Bilingual Education teacher, Multilingual Cross-Cultural Education Specialist, and Biliteracy Reading Instruction Specialist. In 1981, Jo’s career led her to the nationally known Newcomer School, where she worked in a multilingual setting with refugee and immigrant Emergent Biliterate Multilingual Learners. While there Jo developed her many Brain-Based Language and Literacy Strategies™. She also served as a Master Teacher for Phase 1, 2 and 3 student teachers attending California State University, Sacramento, California State University, Chico, the University of California, Davis, and National University.
Because of her curriculum development expertise, neuroscience-based language acquisition
and biliteracy teaching methods, and state and federal categorical program policy
knowledge, Jo was asked to teach at California State University, Sacramento in the
Multilingual Multicultural
Teacher Education Department. Jo taught Introduction to Bilingual Education, Principles
of Curriculum, and Language and Biliteracy, and also supervised student teachers for
20 years.
Jo was asked to join the Multiple Intelligences Institute at the University of California,
Riverside, as an instructor and Board member. She served in these roles for 10 years.
New Horizons In Education-EduTrainers
Jo is the founder of New Horizons In Education-EduTrainers, an education consulting company dedicated to assisting school districts and businesses to design and implement highly effective language and literacy programs for culturally and linguistically diverse learners and their families. Currently, Jo conducts workshops in Foundation-Frameworks-Tools School Improvement and Transformation Coaching©, Review-Recommendations-Results EL Program Quality Review©, ESSA implementation technical support, Biliteracy, English Language Development, and Mind-Brain-Education Science. Administrators, teachers, students, parents and policymakers throughout the world seek Jo’s counsel and insights. Her workshops are fast-moving, energetic, and focus on scores of Integrity and Evidence-Based Practices and Materials© that participants can use immediately.