Saturday, April 23, 2022

Digital Marketing Competition logo
On Saturday, April 23, 2022, the fourth annual Digital Marketing Competition will take place on the Kennesaw State University Campus. One to two member teams are invited to participate in a case competition. Competition day includes breakfast, luncheon keynote speaker, and panels/workshops with industry experts.

For the competition, students are presented with a case about our sponsor, Victoria’s Friends. Teams will have 15 minutes to present their creative and strategic solutions for the case to judges from the local digital media professionals and our sponsor. The case is designed to present students with a real-world situation and parameters they might encounter in a digital marketing position. A rubric and scoring sheet are provided with the case. There are two rounds of competition, with two teams selected to be in the finals. Space is limited to 16 teams.

The DMC is for undergraduates only at this time. Schools may register more than one team.


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Victoria’s Friends (VF)

Victoria’s Friends (VF) is our sponsor for the 2022 Digital Marketing Competition as well as the focus of our case. This year we can help an organization improve its digital profile and ability to serve its community. #SocialMediaForGood

VF logo

Faculty Information

Tyra Burton, Director DMC

Phone: 470-578-2050

Faculty are encouraged to attend with their teams for the competition in April, but it is not necessary.