The Ph.D. Advantage
The Ph.D. Program in Business Administration blends the advantages of traditional Ph.D. programs with the advantages of non-traditional programs to form and reshape how doctoral education is provided. Recognized by AACSB International in their inaugural Innovations That Inspire initiative and with over 100 current students and alumni, the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration is at the forefront of quality non-traditional doctoral education.
Become an Academic Research Ph.D. of Business AdministrationThis program is designed to give students the skills needed to conduct advanced business research. During the first two years of coursework, students will use content, theory, and methods from courses to build a critical foundation to conduct scholarly, academic research. Students also begin engaging in the dissertation stage of their studies during their second year of the program.
Join an AACSB Accredited ProgramA business doctorate coming from an AACSB accredited business school is extremely important. AACSB accreditation helps to provide quality assurance to ensure that the degree meets rigorous academic standards. There are nearly 800 accredited business schools worldwide; however, the number of AACSB accredited business schools with doctoral programs is far fewer. At KSU, you can be confident knowing that you have chosen one of the best Ph.D. programs in Business Administration!
Engage in Classes Taught by Well-published FacultyFaculty involvement of well-published scholars is critical to developing doctoral students’ ability to publish. KSU strives to have its most published faculty members teach and mentor our doctoral students. In addition to our well-published faculty closely working with our doctoral students, we use a network of Global Scholars outside of KSU to further enhance the student learning experience.
Enjoy the Flexibility to Continue Work While You StudyA major advantage of the Ph.D. in Business Administration from Coles College of Business over traditional Ph.D. programs is the opportunity for students to continue their full-time jobs, while pursuing a doctoral degree. In part, this is made possible by the intense once-a-month residency structure of our program, versus traditional programs that have courses taught throughout the week.
Advance in a 3-year Cohort-based Residency Program (completion times vary)The Ph.D. in Business Administration is designed to be completed in as little as three years. The first two years of the program consist of in-class residencies. The third year of the program focuses on dissertation research and does not require in-class residencies. For their dissertation proposal and final defense, students are required to present in person. Students defend their final dissertation as early as the end of their third year of study. However, students have up to five years to get a business administration graduate degree (additional tuition is required if additional time beyond three years is taken).
Craft an Innovative, Research-based DissertationStudents in this program are required to complete a research-based dissertation. Students complete either a longer single-essay dissertation or a two-paper style dissertation. Regardless of the type of dissertation, the dissertation is a rigorous task that increases the student’s ability to publish in scholarly academic journals after becoming a Ph.D. of Business Administration.