Igniting New Companies – Pitch Competition

The Shore Entrepreneurship Center is partnering with IgniteHQ in offering INC Pitch Competition to all KSU Students. Please complete the application below for the INC Pitch Competition.

complete application



April 20 2020


5:30 – 6:00pm – Networking
6:00 – 7:30pm – Pitch
7:30 – 8:00pm – Reception




Overall Winner – $1,500 + 3 months at IgniteHQ
Best Concept – $1,000
Best Pitch/Presentation – $1,000
Achieving Finals – 2 companies @$250 each

Guidelines for Competition

The INC Pitch Competition is for students interested in moving forward with their idea and business. We will have a pre-qualifying round via video pitch submissions and the finals live at IgniteHQ. Qualifying applicants are all KSU Students.


Due by March 27, 2020

Due by April 8, 2020

  • Guidelines – submit to ebarth@kennesaw.edu
    • Create a video or written executive summary discussing the following:
      1. State problem and opportunity
      2. State product and/or service
      3. Target market
      4. Value proposition
      5. How to make money

April 15, 2020

  • 10 minute pitch/presentation with 5 minute Q & A from Judges only
  • Guidelines for pitch/presentation - Create presentation in this order:
    • Slide 1: Company Name with tagline
    • Slide 2: Mission statement
      • Your Company’s mission goes here
    • Slide 3: The team (list individuals involved)
      • Answer the question, “Why are we the ones to solve the problem we identified?”
      • Include company contact information (website, email, phone)
    • Slide 4: The problem, service and opportunity
      • Frame the problem for the audience.
      • Quantify the scope of the problem and connect it to your audience.
    • Slide 5: Market
      • Market definition, size and characteristics
    • Slide 6: The solution
      • Show how you solve the problem you identified.
      • What will be different when the problem is solved (by you)?
    • Slide 7: Value proposition
      • How much value is created and how much will people pay for your product/service
    • Slide 8: How it works
      • List steps on how it is going to work
    • Slide 9: Revenue model
      • How to make money
    • Slide 10: Q & A